Ausschreibung: Finnland Dienstleistungen von Architektur- und Ingenieurbüros sowie planungsbezogene Leistungen PROCUREMENT OF FACTORY 02 PRE-ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES - FIN-VANTAA Dienstleistungen von Architektur- und Ingenieurbüros sowie planungsbezogene Leistungen Dienstleistungen von Ingenieurbüros Dokument Nr...: 715366-2024 (ID: 2024112202101020555) Veröffentlicht: 22.11.2024 * FIN-VANTAA: Finnland Dienstleistungen von Architektur- und Ingenieurbüros sowie planungsbezogene Leistungen PROCUREMENT OF FACTORY 02 PRE-ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES 2024/S 228/2024 715366 Finnland Dienstleistungen von Architektur- und Ingenieurbüros sowie planungsbezogene Leistungen PROCUREMENT OF FACTORY 02 PRE-ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES OJ S 228/2024 22/11/2024 Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung Standardregelung - Änderungsbekanntmachung Dienstleistungen 1. Beschaffer 1.1. Beschaffer Offizielle Bezeichnung: SOLAR FOODS OY E-Mail: Rechtsform des Erwerbers: Öffentliches Unternehmen Tätigkeit des öffentlichen Auftraggebers: Wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten 2. Verfahren 2.1. Verfahren Titel: PROCUREMENT OF FACTORY 02 PRE-ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES Beschreibung: PROJECT OVERVIEW: The Factory 02 (F02) project involves the development of a facility on a 7.5-hectare site in the Nordics, with approximately 14,000 m² to be built in Phase 1. The site will be developed in two phases, each featuring six bioreactors. The full project cycle is estimated to take 47 months. OBJECTIVES AND STRUCTURE: The project follows a Front-End Loading (FEL) process to thoroughly understand the project and reduce changes during execution. This will take 12 months from January to December 2025, covering two key phases: alternative assessment and process design freeze, with the end goal of an advanced conceptual design package. SCOPE AND PROJECT DELIVERABLES: An advanced conceptual design package, cost estimate, and integrated project plans that cover permitting, engineering, procurement, and construction schedules. Kennung des Verfahrens: 64c839c9-cd63-4578-94ba-8b8810d0c4c9 Verfahrensart: Offenes Verfahren 2.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 71240000 Dienstleistungen von Architektur- und Ingenieurbüros sowie planungsbezogene Leistungen Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 71300000 Dienstleistungen von Ingenieurbüros 2.1.3. Wert Geschätzter Wert ohne MwSt.: 3 000 000,00 EUR 2.1.4. Allgemeine Informationen Rechtsgrundlage: Richtlinie 2014/24/EU 2.1.6. Ausschlussgründe Beteiligung an einer kriminellen Vereinigung: The tenderer itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for participation in a criminal organisation, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable. Korruption: The tenderer itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable. Betrugsbekämpfung: The tenderer itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for fraud, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable. Terroristische Straftaten oder Straftaten im Zusammenhang mit terroristischen Aktivitäten: The tenderer itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable. Geldwäsche oder Terrorismusfinanzierung: The tenderer itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for money laundering or terrorist financing, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable. Kinderarbeit und andere Formen des Menschenhandels: The tenderer itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable Entrichtung von Steuern: The tenderer has breached its obligations to pay taxes in the country of its establishment or in the country of the buyer. Zahlung der Sozialversicherungsbeiträge: The tenderer has breached its obligations to pay social security contributions in the country of its establishment or in the country of the buyer. Rein innerstaatliche Ausschlussgründe: The tenderer has breached the following obligations defined in the Finnish criminal code: violation of the right to organise, work hour offence, extortionate work discrimination, work discrimination, work safety offence or the use of unauthorised foreign labour. Verstoß gegen umweltrechtliche Verpflichtungen: The tenderer has breached its obligations in the field of environmental law. Verstoß gegen sozialrechtliche Verpflichtungen: The tenderer has breached its obligations in the field of social law. Interessenkonflikt aufgrund seiner Teilnahme an dem Vergabeverfahren: The participation of the tenderer in the procurement procedure gives rise to conflicts of interest. Direkte oder indirekte Beteiligung an der Vorbereitung des Vergabeverfahrens: The tenderer, or any undertaking related to it, has advised the buyer or otherwise been involved in the preparation of the procurement procedure. Vorzeitige Beendigung, Schadensersatz oder andere vergleichbare Sanktionen: The tenderer s previous contracts or concessions have been terminated prematurely or damages or other similar penalties have been claimed in connection with the contracts in question. Falsche Angaben, verweigerte Informationen, die nicht in der Lage sind, die erforderlichen Unterlagen vorzulegen, und haben vertrauliche Informationen über dieses Verfahren erhalten.: The tenderer is in one of the following situations. a) It has misrepresented information in relation to the exclusion or selection criteria, b) It has withheld such information, c) It has delayed to submit the supporting information required by a buyer, or d) It has tried to influence the decision making process of the buyer, to obtain confidential information that may confer upon it undue advantages in the procurement procedure or to negligently provide misleading information that may have a material influence on decisions concerning exclusion, selection or award. Konkurs: The tenderer is bankrupt. Zahlungsunfähigkeit: The tenderer is subject of insolvency or winding-up. Vergleichsverfahren: The tenderer is in arrangement with creditors. Der Zahlungsunfähigkeit vergleichbare Lage gemäß nationaler Rechtsvorschriften: The tenderer is in any analogous situation like bankruptcy arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations. Verwaltung der Vermögenswerte durch einen Insolvenzverwalter: The assets of the tenderer are being administered by a liquidator or by the court. Einstellung der gewerblichen Tätigkeit: The business activities of the tenderer are suspended. Schwere Verfehlung im Rahmen der beruflichen Tätigkeit: The tenderer is guilty of grave professional misconduct. Vereinbarungen mit anderen Wirtschaftsteilnehmern zur Verzerrung des Wettbewerbs: The tenderer has entered into agreements aimed at distorting competition. Verstoß gegen arbeitsrechtliche Verpflichtungen: The tenderer has breached its obligations in the field of labour law. 5. Los 5.1. Los: LOT-0000 Titel: PROCUREMENT OF FACTORY 02 PRE-ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES Beschreibung: PROJECT OVERVIEW: The Factory 02 (F02) project involves the development of a facility on a 7.5-hectare site in the Nordics, with approximately 14,000 m² to be built in Phase 1. The site will be developed in two phases, each featuring six bioreactors. The full project cycle is estimated to take 47 months. OBJECTIVES AND STRUCTURE: The project follows a Front-End Loading (FEL) process to thoroughly understand the project and reduce changes during execution. This will take 12 months from January to December 2025, covering two key phases: alternative assessment and process design freeze, with the end goal of an advanced conceptual design package. SCOPE AND PROJECT DELIVERABLES: An advanced conceptual design package, cost estimate, and integrated project plans that cover permitting, engineering, procurement, and construction schedules. Interne Kennung: 2024-016180-LOT-0001 5.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 71240000 Dienstleistungen von Architektur- und Ingenieurbüros sowie planungsbezogene Leistungen Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 71300000 Dienstleistungen von Ingenieurbüros 5.1.2. Erfüllungsort Beliebiger Ort 5.1.3. Geschätzte Dauer Datum des Beginns: 01/01/2025 Laufzeit: 12 Monate 5.1.6. Allgemeine Informationen Vorbehaltene Teilnahme: Teilnahme ist nicht vorbehalten. Auftragsvergabeprojekt nicht aus EU-Mitteln finanziert Die Beschaffung fällt unter das Übereinkommen über das öffentliche Beschaffungswesen: ja 5.1.7. Strategische Auftragsvergabe Innovatives Ziel: Die erbrachten Bauleistungen, Dienstleistungen oder gelieferten Güter sind im Vergleich zu anderen bereits auf dem Markt verfügbaren Bauleistungen, Dienstleistungen oder Gütern neuartig. 5.1.9. Eignungskriterien Kriterium: Art: Eignung zur Berufsausübung Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Nicht verwendet Kriterium: Art: Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit Bezeichnung: References Beschreibung: The tenderer must have the necessary experience to implement a procurement agreement to the standard required by the contracting authority. The contracting authority requires a demonstration of adequate experience by referring to previously completed agreements (references) corresponding the procurement object. The tenderer must have five (5) references corresponding to the procurement object. Each reference must must fall into one of the categories A-E. The tenderer can choose which category of references to submit. For example, a tenderer may provide one (1) reference from each category A-E (= total 5 references) or, alternatively, a tenderer may provide two (2) references from category A and three (3) references from category E (= total 5 references). A tenderer may also provide five (5) references only from one (1) category A-E. However, these are only examples and the contracting entity will accept any reference combination of categories A to E/ five (5) references only from one (1) category, as long as there are five (5) references in total. In addition, it is required that the final results of each reference agreement have been handed over to the recipient within the last five (5) years from the last possible date of submission of the tender and the recipient has accepted the handover. Incomplete references will not be accepted. CATEGORY A: Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management reference in Europe. The value of the contract has been at least 3.000.000,00 euros CATEGORY B: Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management reference in US. The value of the contract has been at least 3.000.000,00 euros CATEGORY C: Reference in Concept and Basic Engineering for international Biotech or Food processing company. The value of the contract has been at least 1.000.000,00 euros CATEGORY D: Reference in Design Delivery of fermentation technology (Biotech, Pharma and/or Brewing). The value of the contract has been at least 1.000.000,00 euros; and/or CATEGORY E: Reference in Hygienic Design Technology (Dairy, Biotech and/or Brewing) The value of the contract has been at least 1.000.000,00 euros. INSTRUCTIONS: The tenderer must provide the following information of the reference: an indication of the category to which the reference belongs (A, B, C, D or E); name of the reference; delivery date; contact person (telephone number and e-mail address); value of the reference and a short description of the content. NOTE: for system technical reasons, an answer must be given to each section: the tenderer must mark XX for those sections which it does not wish to be indicated. However, failure to provide all the information requested may result in the tender being rejected. Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet Kriterium: Art: Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit Bezeichnung: Credit rating Beschreibung: The tenderer (and in case of consortium, all members) has sufficient financial capacity and stability to implement the service in question. The tenderers financial standing is evaluated based on information relating to the liquidity, solvency and creditworthiness. The tenderer (and in case of consortium, all members) is sufficiently solvent to have Suomen Asiakastieto Oy s rating of Satisfactory A+ (Rating Alfa) or Standard Poors rating of BBB or demonstrate equivalent standing based on financial statements, statement from trusted credit institution or other equivalent information. The information shall be translated into English. Tenderer with a Standard Poor s CCC rating or Rating Alfa B or equivalent are excluded from the tendering process. Tenderers with a Standard Poor s BB rating or Rating Alfa A or equivalent may be excluded from participation in competitive bidding if the tenderer is unable to provide reliable evidence of action taken/to be taken to improve its financial standing. If the tenderers (and in case of consortium, all partners) rating cannot be verified from Standard Poors or equivalent, the tenderer shall provide the Contracting authority, upon request at least the following information: -Financial statements for the last three (3) financial year and, based on the tenderers financial year, a statement of at least the following: the tenderers turnover, EBITDA Margin, EBIT Margin, Return on capital (ROC), current ratio, quick ratio, equity ratio, net gearing and relative indebtedness, so that the Contracting Authority is able to assess the equivalence of the financial situation. If the tenderer is unable to provide financial statement because the business is recently founded, the tenderer can provide other form of evidence on its solvency and liquidity subject to the Contracting Authority s approval. Copies of certificates must be translated into English. If the sums in the accounts are not expressed in euros (EUR) the copies of the original accounts, shall be provided together with information on exchange rate utilizing exchange rate applicable on the date of issue of this questionnaire. The selected tenderers supporting documents shall be verified. Supporting documents shall be verified from tenderer and possible partners. Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet Kriterium: Art: Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit Bezeichnung: Minimum turnover Beschreibung: In the latest three (3) confirmed financial statement, the turnover of the Tenderer has been more or equal to 8.000.000,00 euros. Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet Kriterium: Art: Sonstiges Bezeichnung: Registration in the trade register Beschreibung: The tenderer is registered in the trade register of tenderer s country of establishment. Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet Kriterium: Art: Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit Bezeichnung: Valid documented quality assurance system Beschreibung: The tenderer must hold one (1) valid documented quality assurance system of at least level either ISO 14001 or ISO 45001. If the tenderer does not hold certificate mentioned above, the tenderer must provide a clarification that the tenderers quality assurance system meets the above requirements. The requirement may be # a copy of a valid quality certificate, or # a description of the quality system, which indicates at least: quality assurance procedures, quality assurance tools and their use in service production, the structure of the guidelines for quality assurance and commitment of management and personnel to the quality policy NOTE! The contracting entity may ask at any stage of the procurement procedure or during the contract period the tenderer to provide a valid certificate of compliance. Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet 5.1.10. Zuschlagskriterien Kriterium: Art: Preis Bezeichnung: PRICE Beschreibung: The Contracting Entity will compare and score the prices based on the price given in Annex 3, tab Team Estimate and Prices. The comparison price is the price calculated in the section price total VAT 0 %. The cheapest tender in the comparison is assigned a comparison price score of 60. Other tenders will be scored using the formula: (lowest price / tenderer s price) x 60. Gewichtung (Punkte, genau): 60 Kriterium: Art: Qualität Bezeichnung: QUALITY Beschreibung: The Contracting Entity will compare and score the quality points based on the risk assessment described in Annex 2 (Risk Evaluation). The risk assessment is based on two (2) factors: 1. Annex 3 (Specification of procurement and Pricelist) submitted by the tenderer; and 2. Implementation plan submitted by the tenderer. The quality points of the tender are calculated using a formula: (Tenderers score / the score of the tender with the lowest score) X (-40) points. Note! The quality points are negative (-). Finally, the price and quality comparison scores are summed up, and the tenderer with the best total score wins. In case of a tie, the winner is the tender with the most quality comparison scores. Gewichtung (Punkte, genau): 40 5.1.11. Auftragsunterlagen Sprachen, in denen die Auftragsunterlagen offiziell verfügbar sind: Englisch Frist für die Anforderung zusätzlicher Informationen: 04/12/2024 12:00:00 (UTC+2) Internetadresse der Auftragsunterlagen: /11400/enotice/16180 5.1.12. Bedingungen für die Auftragsvergabe Bedingungen für die Einreichung: Elektronische Einreichung: Erforderlich Adresse für die Einreichung: /call-for-tenders Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Englisch Elektronischer Katalog: Nicht zulässig Varianten: Nicht zulässig Die Bieter können mehrere Angebote einreichen: Nicht zulässig Frist für den Eingang der Angebote: 19/12/2024 12:00:00 (UTC+2) Frist, bis zu der das Angebot gültig sein muss: 6 Monate Informationen über die öffentliche Angebotsöffnung: Eröffnungsdatum: 19/12/2024 12:15:00 (UTC+2) Auftragsbedingungen: Die Auftragsausführung muss im Rahmen von Programmen für geschützte Beschäftigungsverhältnisse erfolgen: Nein Es ist eine Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung erforderlich: nein Elektronische Rechnungsstellung: Erforderlich Aufträge werden elektronisch erteilt: nein Zahlungen werden elektronisch geleistet: ja 5.1.15. Techniken Rahmenvereinbarung: Keine Rahmenvereinbarung Informationen über das dynamische Beschaffungssystem: Kein dynamisches Beschaffungssystem 5.1.16. Weitere Informationen, Schlichtung und Nachprüfung Überprüfungsstelle: The Market Court Organisation, die zusätzliche Informationen über das Vergabeverfahren bereitstellt: SOLAR FOODS OY Organisation, die weitere Informationen für die Nachprüfungsverfahren bereitstellt: SOLAR FOODS OY Organisation, die Teilnahmeanträge entgegennimmt: SOLAR FOODS OY Organisation, die Angebote bearbeitet: SOLAR FOODS OY TED eSender: Hansel Oy (Hilma) 8. Organisationen 8.1. ORG-0001 Offizielle Bezeichnung: SOLAR FOODS OY Registrierungsnummer: 2872116-8 Postanschrift: Härkälenkki 11 Stadt: VANTAA Postleitzahl: 01730 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1) Land: Finnland E-Mail: Telefon: +358 50 490 4424 Internetadresse: Sonstige Kontaktpersonen: Offizielle Bezeichnung: PTCServices Oy Kontaktperson: Tapio Lahtinen E-Mail: Telefon: +358 50 490 4424 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: Beschaffer Organisation, die zusätzliche Informationen über das Vergabeverfahren bereitstellt Organisation, die Teilnahmeanträge entgegennimmt Organisation, die Angebote bearbeitet Organisation, die weitere Informationen für die Nachprüfungsverfahren bereitstellt 8.1. ORG-0002 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Hansel Oy (Hilma) Registrierungsnummer: FI09880841 Postanschrift: Mannerheiminaukio 1 A Stadt: Helsinki Postleitzahl: 00100 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1) Land: Finnland E-Mail: Telefon: +358 295563630 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: TED eSender 8.1. ORG-0003 Offizielle Bezeichnung: The Market Court Registrierungsnummer: FI30061576 Postanschrift: Radanrakentajantie 5 Stadt: Helsinki Postleitzahl: 00520 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1) Land: Finnland E-Mail: Telefon: +358 295643300 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: Überprüfungsstelle 10. Änderung Fassung der zu ändernden vorigen Bekanntmachung: 577396bd-267e-47a4-ad0c- 58b3b685a1ee-01 Hauptgrund für die Änderung: Korrektur Beschaffer Beschreibung: The value of the procurement has been incorrectly stated. The correct estimated value of the acquisition is EUR 3,000,000. 10.1. Änderung Abschnittskennung: LOT-0000 Beschreibung der Änderungen: The value of the procurement has been incorrectly stated. The correct estimated value of the acquisition is EUR 3,000,000. 11. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung 11.1. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung Kennung/Fassung der Bekanntmachung: 3162aeea-cb30-4cda-8bbe-ce84dc0691d8 - 01 Formulartyp: Wettbewerb Art der Bekanntmachung: Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung Standardregelung Unterart der Bekanntmachung: 16 Datum der Übermittlung der Bekanntmachung: 21/11/2024 10:46:13 (UTC+2) Sprachen, in denen diese Bekanntmachung offiziell verfügbar ist: Englisch 11.2. Informationen zur Veröffentlichung ABl. S Nummer der Ausgabe: 228/2024 Datum der Veröffentlichung: 22/11/2024 Referenzen: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Operation & Alert Service (icc-hofmann) for: The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities The Federal Office of Foreign Trade Information Phone: +49 6082-910101, Fax: +49 6082-910200, URL: