Ausschreibungen und Aufträge: Dänemark Laborgeräte, optische Geräte und Präzisionsgeräte (außer Gläser) High- Throughput screening system - DNK-Kgs. Laborgeräte, optische Geräte und Präzisionsgeräte (außer Gläser) Dokument Nr...: 587992-2024 (ID: 2024100101181986444) Veröffentlicht: 01.10.2024 * DNK-Kgs.: Dänemark Laborgeräte, optische Geräte und Präzisionsgeräte (außer Gläser) High- Throughput screening system 2024/S 191/2024 587992 Dänemark Laborgeräte, optische Geräte und Präzisionsgeräte (außer Gläser) High- Throughput screening system OJ S 191/2024 01/10/2024 Bekanntmachung vergebener Aufträge oder Zuschlagsbekanntmachung Standardregelung Lieferungen 1. Beschaffer 1.1. Beschaffer Offizielle Bezeichnung: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU E-Mail: Rechtsform des Erwerbers: Einrichtung des öffentlichen Rechts Tätigkeit des öffentlichen Auftraggebers: Bildung 2. Verfahren 2.1. Verfahren Titel: High-Throughput screening system Beschreibung: Due to a change in requirements for different types of analyses at DTU Biosustain, DTU intends to purchase a mass spectrometer that comprises all three following features: ion mobility, commercial DESI and possibility to implement commercial MALDI. Kennung des Verfahrens: 72fa44ab-1637-41cf-82ce-713896490fde Vorherige Bekanntmachung: f93a9b70-2f33-48f1-8745-0bbf939d5544-01 Interne Kennung: 8980 Verfahrensart: Verhandlungsverfahren ohne Aufruf zum Wettbewerb 2.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Lieferungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 38000000 Laborgeräte, optische Geräte und Präzisionsgeräte (außer Gläser) 2.1.2. Erfüllungsort Stadt: Kgs. Lyngby Postleitzahl: 2800 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Københavns omegn (DK012) Land: Dänemark Zusätzliche Informationen: Currently, the analytics department consists of equipment, which covers non-targeted and targeted metabolomics utilizing four different liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry (LC-MS) equipment. While these platforms can deliver data with high accuracy and sensitivity, they require extensive (and time consuming) sample preparation up front and none of the systems are able to perform high-throughput imaging analyses or ion mo- bility separations. Additionally, one of the above-mentioned equipment, which is currently used for targeted metabolomics, has come to the end of its lifetime (> 10 years old) and will have to be shut down in the near future due to malfunctions. Recently, there has been a change in requirements for different types of analyses at DTU Biosustain. There is now a need for more high-throughput anal-yses, which require minimal amount of sample preparation, as well as for separation of structural isomers of different metabolites and for imaging analyses of solid samples without extensive sample preparation. Given the current limitations in the existing equipment park, the analytics de-partment at DTU Biosustain is now looking into the possibility to purchase two new analytical sys-tems from Waters A/S. These systems should be suitable for high-throughput screening and imag-ing (simultaneously) as well as for high sensitivity, targeted metabolomics analyses utilizing either imaging or liquid chromatographic separation. Based on the changed needs of DTU Biosustain, the equipment wished to be purchased consists of the following: 1) Accurate mass MS system (SYNAPT XS) including ion mobility and a desorption elec-trospray ionization (DESI) source for high-throughput screening of samples as well as for imaging of liquid and solid samples. On this equipment, both the high- throughput screen-ing as well as the imaging can be done without extensive sample preparation and the data can be processed with the software provided with the equipment. In addition, the ion mobil-ity provides a possibility to separate isomers (which is currently not possible in the analyt-ics department laboratory at DTU Biosustain), and the equipment can also be updated for matrix assisted desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging without the need to purchase a complete separate equipment setup for this. 2) High sensitivity liquid chromatography triple quadrupole MS system (UPLC-Xevo TQ Abso-lute) to be able to perform targeted measurements of low concentrations in biological samples. This system is supporting the possibility to connect the DESI-source to accurate-ly quantify identified compounds from the screening process mentioned in point 1 above. In addition, this equipment will provide DTU Biosustain with the additional throughput needed to supply the center with the data requested within the required timeframes. 2.1.4. Allgemeine Informationen Der Aufruf zum Wettbewerb ist beendet Rechtsgrundlage: Richtlinie 2014/24/EU 5. Los 5.1. Los: LOT-0000 Titel: High-Throughput screening system Beschreibung: Due to a change in requirements for different types of analyses at DTU Biosustain, DTU intends to purchase a mass spectrometer that comprises all three following features: ion mobility, commercial DESI and possibility to implement commercial MALDI. Interne Kennung: 8980 5.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Lieferungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 38000000 Laborgeräte, optische Geräte und Präzisionsgeräte (außer Gläser) 5.1.2. Erfüllungsort Stadt: Kgs. Lyngby Postleitzahl: 2800 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Københavns omegn (DK012) Land: Dänemark Zusätzliche Informationen: Currently, the analytics department consists of equipment, which covers non-targeted and targeted metabolomics utilizing four different liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry (LC-MS) equipment. While these platforms can deliver data with high accuracy and sensitivity, they require extensive (and time consuming) sample preparation up front and none of the systems are able to perform high-throughput imaging analyses or ion mo- bility separations. Additionally, one of the above-mentioned equipment, which is currently used for targeted metabolomics, has come to the end of its lifetime (> 10 years old) and will have to be shut down in the near future due to malfunctions. Recently, there has been a change in requirements for different types of analyses at DTU Biosustain. There is now a need for more high-throughput anal-yses, which require minimal amount of sample preparation, as well as for separation of structural isomers of different metabolites and for imaging analyses of solid samples without extensive sample preparation. Given the current limitations in the existing equipment park, the analytics de-partment at DTU Biosustain is now looking into the possibility to purchase two new analytical sys-tems from Waters A/S. These systems should be suitable for high-throughput screening and imag-ing (simultaneously) as well as for high sensitivity, targeted metabolomics analyses utilizing either imaging or liquid chromatographic separation. Based on the changed needs of DTU Biosustain, the equipment wished to be purchased consists of the following: 1) Accurate mass MS system (SYNAPT XS) including ion mobility and a desorption elec-trospray ionization (DESI) source for high-throughput screening of samples as well as for imaging of liquid and solid samples. On this equipment, both the high- throughput screen-ing as well as the imaging can be done without extensive sample preparation and the data can be processed with the software provided with the equipment. In addition, the ion mobil-ity provides a possibility to separate isomers (which is currently not possible in the analyt-ics department laboratory at DTU Biosustain), and the equipment can also be updated for matrix assisted desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging without the need to purchase a complete separate equipment setup for this. 2) High sensitivity liquid chromatography triple quadrupole MS system (UPLC-Xevo TQ Abso-lute) to be able to perform targeted measurements of low concentrations in biological samples. This system is supporting the possibility to connect the DESI-source to accurate-ly quantify identified compounds from the screening process mentioned in point 1 above. In addition, this equipment will provide DTU Biosustain with the additional throughput needed to supply the center with the data requested within the required timeframes. 5.1.6. Allgemeine Informationen Auftragsvergabeprojekt nicht aus EU-Mitteln finanziert Die Beschaffung fällt unter das Übereinkommen über das öffentliche Beschaffungswesen: ja 5.1.10. Zuschlagskriterien Kriterium: Art: Preis Bezeichnung: Price Beschreibung: The price from the supplier is crucial. Gewichtung (Prozentanteil, genau): 100 5.1.12. Bedingungen für die Auftragsvergabe Informationen über die Überprüfungsfristen: Complaint that the Contracting Authority, contrary to the Public Procurement Act, has concluded a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the European Union Official Journal must be submitted no later than 30 calendar days from the date after a contract award notice has been published by the Contracting Authority in the European Union Official Journal and that contract award notice includes the grounds for the decision to award the contract directly, cf. lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud (Complaints Board for Tenders) § 7, section 3. 5.1.15. Techniken Rahmenvereinbarung: Keine Rahmenvereinbarung Informationen über das dynamische Beschaffungssystem: Kein dynamisches Beschaffungssystem Elektronische Auktion: nein 5.1.16. Weitere Informationen, Schlichtung und Nachprüfung Überprüfungsstelle: Klagenævnet for Udbud Organisation, die Informationen über den allgemeinen, am Ort der Ausführung des Auftrags geltenden steuerrechtlichen Rahmen bereitstellt: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen Organisation, die zusätzliche Informationen über das Vergabeverfahren bereitstellt: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU Organisation, die einen Offline-Zugang zu den Vergabeunterlagen bereitstellt: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU Organisation, aus deren Mitteln der Auftrag bezahlt wird: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU Organisation, die die Zahlung ausführt: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU TED eSender: Mercell Holding ASA 6. Ergebnisse Wert aller in dieser Bekanntmachung vergebenen Verträge: 7 017 931,80 DKK Direktvergabe: Begründung der Direktvergabe: Der Auftrag kann nur von einem bestimmten Wirtschaftsteilnehmer ausgeführt werden, da aus technischen Gründen kein Wettbewerb vorhanden ist Sonstige Begründung: Waters A/S (the Danish branch of WatersTM) is the only vendor, who can supply DTU Biosustain with a commercial DESI source. The DESI technology was first introduced in 2004 in the laboratory of Graham Cooks (Purdue University) in the USA. Since then, numerous laboratories have developed their own, in-house built, DESI sources worldwide. These sources have not been out on the market for users to purchase and thus, WatersTM acquired the rights to the DESITM IP from Prosolia Inc. and the Purdue Research Foundation in 2018. This makes WatersTM the exclusive provider of this technology and it also means that the commercial DESI source, by WatersTM, can only be connected to mass spectrometers by WatersTM. The SYNAPT XS is the only mass spectrometer on the market comprising all three following features: ion mobility, commercial DESI and possibility to implement commercial MALDI. The need for these features has been described above. Multiple other vendors can provide a high sensitivity LC-MS for targeted measurements of low concentrations in biological samples, but the system provided by Waters A/S (is the only system on the market, which can be used with the commercial DESI source (which is to be purchased with the SYNAPT XS mentioned above). The possibility to connect the DESI source to the high sensitivity LC-MS system is required for the analytics department at DTU Biosustain to accurately quantify the compounds identified during the screening step using the SYNAPT XS. It is also of great importance to be able to connect the LC-system with the SYNAPT XS and that all these units can be controlled by one software (provided by Waters A /S with the equipment). This is not possible if a system from another vendor is chosen since acquisition software are equipment dependent and license based. Therefore, the only possibility to successfully achieve the required analyses is to purchase this specific equipment from Waters A/S. Additionally, the energy and gas consumption of this equipment is one of the lowest on the market and therefore, it also produces less heat than most other comparable equipment. This is an important aspect from a sustainability perspective, but also from a laboratory infrastructure perspective. The analytics department laboratory at DTU Biosustain is currently limited in cooling capacity and thus a higher heat production will cause extensive cost additions due to major changes required in the laboratory infrastructure and due to additional energy consumption (even after the implemented changes in the infrastructure) to keep the laboratory at an acceptable temperature (i.e. below 25 °C). Other justification: There is lack of competition due to technical reasons, cf. § 80, subsection 3, no. 2 in the Danish Public Procurement Law. This technical capability is mandatory for the future work at DTU Biosustain as there are requests for such analyses. It is not possible to analyse solid samples providing imaging data using any other equipment available on the market. Furthermore, it is a major part of the future plans for DTU Biosustain beyond 2025 to analyse solid samles (solid food- related samples). 6.1. Ergebnis, Los- Kennung: LOT-0000 Status der Preisträgerauswahl: Es wurde mindestens ein Gewinner ermittelt. 6.1.2. Informationen über die Gewinner Wettbewerbsgewinner: Offizielle Bezeichnung: Waters A/S Angebot: Kennung des Angebots: 374008 Kennung des Loses oder der Gruppe von Losen: LOT-0000 Konzession Wert: Vergabe von Unteraufträgen: Nein Informationen zum Auftrag: Kennung des Auftrags: 8980 Titel: Contract regarding a mass spectrometry based equipment for high-throughput screening and imaging purposes. Datum der Auswahl des Gewinners: 21/08/2024 Datum des Vertragsabschlusses: 17/09/2024 Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU 6.1.4. Statistische Informationen: Eingegangene Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: Art der eingegangenen Einreichungen: Angebote Anzahl der eingegangenen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: 1 8. Organisationen 8.1. ORG-0001 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU Registrierungsnummer: 30060946 Postanschrift: Anker Engelunds Vej 1 Stadt: Kgs. Lyngby Postleitzahl: 2800 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Københavns omegn (DK012) Land: Dänemark Kontaktperson: Marianne Dauding E-Mail: Telefon: +45 33344398 Internetadresse: Profil des Erwerbers: /165863 Rollen dieser Organisation: Beschaffer Organisation, die zusätzliche Informationen über das Vergabeverfahren bereitstellt Organisation, die einen Offline-Zugang zu den Vergabeunterlagen bereitstellt Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet Organisation, aus deren Mitteln der Auftrag bezahlt wird Organisation, die die Zahlung ausführt 8.1. ORG-0002 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Klagenævnet for Udbud Registrierungsnummer: 37795526 Postanschrift: Nævnenes hus, Toldboden 2 Stadt: Viborg Postleitzahl: 8800 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Østjylland (DK042) Land: Dänemark E-Mail: Telefon: +45 35291000 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: Überprüfungsstelle 8.1. ORG-0003 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen Registrierungsnummer: 10294819 Postanschrift: Carl Jacobsens Vej 35 Stadt: Valby Postleitzahl: 2500 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Københavns omegn (DK012) Land: Dänemark E-Mail: Telefon: +45 41715000 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: Organisation, die Informationen über den allgemeinen, am Ort der Ausführung des Auftrags geltenden steuerrechtlichen Rahmen bereitstellt 8.1. ORG-0004 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Waters A/S Registrierungsnummer: 17554034 Postanschrift: Dybendalsvænget 2 Stadt: Taastrup Postleitzahl: 2630 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Københavns omegn (DK012) Land: Dänemark E-Mail: Telefon: +4546598080 Rollen dieser Organisation: Bieter Gewinner dieser Lose: LOT-0000 8.1. ORG-0005 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Mercell Holding ASA Registrierungsnummer: 980921565 Postanschrift: Askekroken 11 Stadt: Oslo Postleitzahl: 0277 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Oslo (NO081) Land: Norwegen Kontaktperson: eSender E-Mail: Telefon: +47 21018800 Fax: +47 21018801 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: TED eSender 11. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung 11.1. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung Kennung/Fassung der Bekanntmachung: f3c79e2a-c7e9-48f0-85ed-7c75fe55ea84 - 01 Formulartyp: Ergebnis Art der Bekanntmachung: Bekanntmachung vergebener Aufträge oder Zuschlagsbekanntmachung Standardregelung Unterart der Bekanntmachung: 29 Datum der Übermittlung der Bekanntmachung: 30/09/2024 11:34:03 (UTC) Bekanntmachung eSender-Übermittlungsdatum: 30/09/2024 12:00:43 (UTC) Sprachen, in denen diese Bekanntmachung offiziell verfügbar ist: Englisch 11.2. Informationen zur Veröffentlichung ABl. S Nummer der Ausgabe: 191/2024 Datum der Veröffentlichung: 01/10/2024 Referenzen: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Operation & Alert Service (icc-hofmann) for: The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities The Federal Office of Foreign Trade Information Phone: +49 6082-910101, Fax: +49 6082-910200, URL: