Ausschreibungen und Aufträge: Norwegen Dienstleistungen in der Forstwirtschaft Procurement -Wood felling (part 1) and tree care and work services (part 2), 2023 - NOR-ÅLESUND Maschinen zum Heben, Fördern, Be- oder Entladen Werkzeugmaschinen für die Bearbeitung von Holz Dienstleistungen in der Forstwirtschaft Holzgewinnung Dienstleistungen in Verbindung mit der Holzgewinnung Holzfällung Rodung Fällen von Bäumen Baumpflege Dokument Nr...: 390287-2024 (ID: 2024070101413382412) Veröffentlicht: 01.07.2024 * NOR-ÅLESUND: Norwegen Dienstleistungen in der Forstwirtschaft Procurement -Wood felling (part 1) and tree care and work services (part 2), 2023 2024/S 126/2024 390287 Norwegen Dienstleistungen in der Forstwirtschaft Procurement - Wood felling (part 1) and tree care and work services (part 2), 2023 OJ S 126/2024 01/07/2024 Bekanntmachung vergebener Aufträge oder Zuschlagsbekanntmachung Standardregelung Dienstleistungen 1. Beschaffer 1.1. Beschaffer Offizielle Bezeichnung: Gammel Ålesund kommune E-Mail: Rechtsform des Erwerbers: Regionale Gebietskörperschaft Tätigkeit des öffentlichen Auftraggebers: Allgemeine öffentliche Verwaltung 1.1. Beschaffer Offizielle Bezeichnung: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) E-Mail: Rechtsform des Erwerbers: Von einer lokalen Gebietskörperschaft kontrollierte Einrichtung des öffentlichen Rechts Tätigkeit des öffentlichen Auftraggebers: Allgemeine öffentliche Verwaltung 2. Verfahren 2.1. Verfahren Titel: Procurement - Wood felling (part 1) and tree care and work services (part 2), 2023 Beschreibung: The contracting authority would like to use this procurement to enter into a framework agreement with up to two tenderers (parallel framework agreements, provided that there are a sufficient number of qualified tenderers) within sub-area Trefelling (part 1). The contracting authority would like to enter into a framework agreement with one tenderer within sub-area Trepleie og arboristtjenester (part 2). The aim of the procurement is to cover the need for wood felling (Part 1) and tree care and arborist services (Part 2). Wood felling means felling trees that are inconvenient for being in danger of the surrounding area or that have already blown over an end. Pruning and other related works (Part 1) may also be relevant. Wood care and arborist services means professional care and care of the trees, condition evaluation of trees and arborist reports (Part 2). Comments on the contract: The objective of this agreement is to cover the work that the contracting authority cannot carry out themselves. The Customer reserves the right to assess when the work included in this contract shall be carried out by itself and when this contract shall be used. It is difficult to estimate the value of the framework agreement and the extent per assignment. The contracting authority estimates that approx. NOK 600,000 excluding VAT will be procured per annum in this contract. I.e. approx. NOK 2,400,000 in total over 4 years. Wood felling (part 1) will make up approx. 60% and wood care (part 2) makes up approx. 40% of the total. This is only a rough estimate and it is only meant to give tenderers a guideline to the extent and this may deviate during the contract period. The contracting authority is therefore not bound by the estimate. The volume will depend on, among other things, the customers needs, activities, budgetary situation and other framework factors. Kennung des Verfahrens: a06bbb22-f533-4170-9a34-9f0b18fb0afd Vorherige Bekanntmachung: 0629e6ee-aa7e-49f5-9c18-f6640d213d63-01 Interne Kennung: 23/6659 Verfahrensart: Offenes Verfahren Das Verfahren wird beschleunigt: nein 2.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 77200000 Dienstleistungen in der Forstwirtschaft Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 42418000 Maschinen zum Heben, Fördern, Be- oder Entladen, 42642100 Werkzeugmaschinen für die Bearbeitung von Holz, 77211000 Dienstleistungen in Verbindung mit der Holzgewinnung, 77211100 Holzfällung, 77211300 Rodung, 77211400 Fällen von Bäumen, 77211500 Baumpflege 2.1.2. Erfüllungsort Postleitzahl 6003 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Møre og Romsdal (NO0A3) Land: Norwegen Zusätzliche Informationen Ålesund 2.1.3. Wert Geschätzter Wert ohne MwSt.: 3 200 000,00 NOK 2.1.4. Allgemeine Informationen Rechtsgrundlage: Richtlinie 2014/24/EU 5. Los 5.1. Los: LOT-0001 Titel: General part Beschreibung: The contracting authority would like to use this procurement to enter into a framework agreement with up to two tenderers (parallel framework agreements, provided that there are a sufficient number of qualified tenderers) within sub-area Trefelling (part 1). The contracting authority would like to enter into a framework agreement with one tenderer within sub-area Trepleie og arboristtjenester (part 2). The aim of the procurement is to cover the need for wood felling (Part 1) and tree care and arborist services (Part 2). Wood felling means felling trees that are inconvenient for being in danger of the surrounding area or that have already blown over an end. Pruning and other related works (Part 1) may also be relevant. Wood care and arborist services means professional care and care of the trees, condition evaluation of trees and arborist reports (Part 2). Comments on the contract: The objective of this agreement is to cover the work that the contracting authority cannot carry out themselves. The Customer reserves the right to assess when the work included in this contract shall be carried out by itself and when this contract shall be used. It is difficult to estimate the value of the framework agreement and the extent per assignment. The contracting authority estimates that approx. NOK 600,000 excluding VAT will be procured per annum in this contract. I.e. approx. NOK 2,400,000 in total over 4 years. Wood felling (part 1) will make up approx. 60% and wood care (part 2) makes up approx. 40% of the total. This is only a rough estimate and it is only meant to give tenderers a guideline to the extent and this may deviate during the contract period. The contracting authority is therefore not bound by the estimate. The volume will depend on, among other things, the customers needs, activities, budgetary situation and other framework factors. Interne Kennung: 23/6659 5.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 77200000 Dienstleistungen in der Forstwirtschaft Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 42418000 Maschinen zum Heben, Fördern, Be- oder Entladen, 42642100 Werkzeugmaschinen für die Bearbeitung von Holz, 77210000 Holzgewinnung, 77211000 Dienstleistungen in Verbindung mit der Holzgewinnung, 77211100 Holzfällung, 77211300 Rodung, 77211400 Fällen von Bäumen, 77211500 Baumpflege 5.1.2. Erfüllungsort Stadt: Ålesund Postleitzahl: 6003 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Møre og Romsdal (NO0A3) Land: Norwegen Zusätzliche Informationen: Ålesund 5.1.3. Geschätzte Dauer Laufzeit: 2 Jahre 5.1.4. Verlängerung Maximale Verlängerungen: 2 Der Erwerber behält sich das Recht vor, zusätzliche Käufe vom Auftragnehmer zu tätigen, wie hier beschrieben: Renewal lenght is 12 months 5.1.5. Wert Geschätzter Wert ohne MwSt.: 3 200 000,00 NOK Höchstwert der Rahmenvereinbarung: 3 200 000,00 NOK 5.1.10. Zuschlagskriterien Kriterium: Art: Preis Bezeichnung: Price Beschreibung: The award criteria Price is weighted 50%. The award criteria consists of several elements: hourly rate Crew (depending on the qualification) and hourly rate Machines (various machines). Tenderers are asked to complete the price form. All prices in the price form shall be stated excluding VAT. All the fields that are yellow out in the attached price form shall be filled in. Missing the price fields can cause difficulties in assessing the tender and the tender can then be rejected. The offered hourly rates shall include all direct or indirect expenses and duties that could be incurred in connection with the delivery. Order fees and invoice fees are to be seen as expenses. Costs that the tenderer knows will be incurred, but that are not specifically stated in the tender, will be seen as included in the stated costs. Hourly rates are to be given for the crew who will be engaged in the assignment. Hourly rates for crews shall include all the necessary equipment and any costs for the use of equipment, safety equipment and tools. Amounts for overtime shall not be given in the price form. Hourly rates are to be given for the machines that will be used for the assignment. Hourly rates for machines are given without drivers. Transport of crews and machines/equipment to the work area shall not be invoiced separately. Prices shall be effective time - transport included. Hourly rates include all expenses, including rigging. For orientation: For sub-area 1 Felling wood , hourly rates for the work manager and crew certified for section felling will be emphasised higher than ground crew, and ground crew higher again than unskilled. An apprentice hourly rate is not a part of the evaluation, but tenderers who have apprentices will, however, also provide prices for them, for information. For orientation: For sub-area 2 Tree care and work work services , hourly rates for arborist will be emphasised higher than project manager and project manager higher again than unskilled. An apprentice hourly rate is not a part of the evaluation, but tenderers who have apprentices will, however, also provide prices for them, for information. When it comes to hourly rates machines for both areas, the tile cuter is emphasised higher than the tractor with winch and a tractor with winch higher again than a lorry with a crane. Hourly rate stump throwers are not part of the evaluation, but it is requested that tenderers who have stump throwers still provide prices for this as well, for information. NOTE! If tenders are submitted for both sub areas, a separate price form shall be given per lot. Evaluation: When assessing the price, a hybrid model with break point 2.5 will be used. The attached template for the evaluation model is attached. Kriterium: Art: Qualität Bezeichnung: Crew Beschreibung: Weighting: The award criteria Crew is weighted 30%. Tenderers are asked to fill in one or both of the forms Offered Crew with Competence (Annex 2) with the following information: Crew that covers the need for wood felling and preliminary and finishing work connected to this (To be completed for Part 1). Crew who cover the need for tree care and work services (Completed for Part 2). A total evaluation will be carried out of the offered system as regards how it covers the needs of the customer (Part 1 or Part 2). Emphasis will be put on the evaluation of competence, certification and experience. Emphasis is put on the fact that the quantity of the offered resources does not automatically result in higher numbers. NOTE! If tenders are submitted for both sub areas, a separate form shall be submitted per lot. Evaluation: This award criteria will be assessed based on the tenderer s response. A procurement assessment will be made when evaluating the described system. Best solution will be awarded the highest score (10 scores). Other solutions will be awarded a point score relative to the best solution. The tenderer s point score for this award criteria is weighted with the award criteria s weighting percentage. Kriterium: Art: Qualität Bezeichnung: Offered machinery and equipment Beschreibung: Weighting: The award criteria Offered machinery and equipment is weighted 20%. Tenderers are asked to fill in one or both of the forms Offered Machines and Equipment (Annex 3) with the following information: Machinery and equipment that covers the need for wood felling and preliminary and finishing work connected to this (To be completed for Part 1). Machinery and equipment that covers the need for wood care and arborist services (To be completed for Part 2). A total evaluation will be carried out of the offered system as regards how it covers the needs of the customer (Part 1 or Part 2). The suitability and age/condition of the offered machines and equipment will be taken into consideration during the evaluation. Emphasis is put on the fact that the quantity of offered machines does not automatically result in higher numbers. NOTE! If tenders are submitted for both sub areas, a separate form shall be submitted per lot. Evaluation: This award criteria will be assessed based on the tenderer s response. A procurement assessment will be made when evaluating the described system. Best solution will be awarded the highest score (10 scores). Other solutions will be awarded a point score relative to the best solution. The tenderer s point score for this award criteria is weighted with the award criteria s weighting percentage. 5.1.15. Techniken Rahmenvereinbarung: Rahmenvereinbarung ohne erneuten Aufruf zum Wettbewerb Informationen über das dynamische Beschaffungssystem: Kein dynamisches Beschaffungssystem Elektronische Auktion: nein 5.1.16. Weitere Informationen, Schlichtung und Nachprüfung Überprüfungsstelle: Møre og Romsdal tingrett Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) 5.1. Los: LOT-0002 Titel: Part 1: Wood felling Beschreibung: Trees that are needed to trap are either trees that are in a bad condition and thus to danger people, buildings, cars, wires, etc., there may be trees that are of great shyness to neighbours, or there may be trees that should be taken away to provide better conditions for other vegetation. Trees fall down as a result of storms, etc. may also apply. Good safety routines, use of necessary certified safety equipment and valid insurance are a requirement for our suppliers. Labour managers shall have completed a three-folding course and climbing course, and shall be the course in regulations and securing. Work managers shall have built up relevant and versatile practice over a period of minimum 3 years. The work manager shall be present for wood work in the facility and quality assure that the work is executed professionally correctly. If the responsible professional is absent, the deputy shall always have equivalent qualifications. Interne Kennung: 23/6659 5.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 77211400 Fällen von Bäumen Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 42418000 Maschinen zum Heben, Fördern, Be- oder Entladen, 42642100 Werkzeugmaschinen für die Bearbeitung von Holz, 77210000 Holzgewinnung, 77211000 Dienstleistungen in Verbindung mit der Holzgewinnung, 77211100 Holzfällung, 77211300 Rodung 5.1.2. Erfüllungsort Stadt: Ålesund Postleitzahl: 6003 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Møre og Romsdal (NO0A3) Zusätzliche Informationen: Ålesund 5.1.3. Geschätzte Dauer Laufzeit: 2 Jahre 5.1.4. Verlängerung Maximale Verlängerungen: 2 Der Erwerber behält sich das Recht vor, zusätzliche Käufe vom Auftragnehmer zu tätigen, wie hier beschrieben: Renewal lenght is 12 months 5.1.5. Wert Geschätzter Wert ohne MwSt.: 3 200 000,00 NOK Höchstwert der Rahmenvereinbarung: 3 200 000,00 NOK 5.1.10. Zuschlagskriterien Kriterium: Art: Preis Bezeichnung: Price Beschreibung: The award criteria Price is weighted 50%. The award criteria consists of several elements: hourly rate Crew (depending on the qualification) and hourly rate Machines (various machines). Tenderers are asked to complete the price form. All prices in the price form shall be stated excluding VAT. All the fields that are yellow out in the attached price form shall be filled in. Missing the price fields can cause difficulties in assessing the tender and the tender can then be rejected. The offered hourly rates shall include all direct or indirect expenses and duties that could be incurred in connection with the delivery. Order fees and invoice fees are to be seen as expenses. Costs that the tenderer knows will be incurred, but that are not specifically stated in the tender, will be seen as included in the stated costs. Hourly rates are to be given for the crew who will be engaged in the assignment. Hourly rates for crews shall include all the necessary equipment and any costs for the use of equipment, safety equipment and tools. Amounts for overtime shall not be given in the price form. Hourly rates are to be given for the machines that will be used for the assignment. Hourly rates for machines are given without drivers. Transport of crews and machines/equipment to the work area shall not be invoiced separately. Prices shall be effective time - transport included. Hourly rates include all expenses, including rigging. For orientation: For sub-area 1 Felling wood , hourly rates for the work manager and crew certified for section felling will be emphasised higher than ground crew, and ground crew higher again than unskilled. An apprentice hourly rate is not a part of the evaluation, but tenderers who have apprentices will, however, also provide prices for them, for information. For orientation: For sub-area 2 Tree care and work work services , hourly rates for arborist will be emphasised higher than project manager and project manager higher again than unskilled. An apprentice hourly rate is not a part of the evaluation, but tenderers who have apprentices will, however, also provide prices for them, for information. When it comes to hourly rates machines for both areas, the tile cuter is emphasised higher than the tractor with winch and a tractor with winch higher again than a lorry with a crane. Hourly rate stump throwers are not part of the evaluation, but it is requested that tenderers who have stump throwers still provide prices for this as well, for information. NOTE! If tenders are submitted for both sub areas, a separate price form shall be given per lot. Evaluation: When assessing the price, a hybrid model with break point 2.5 will be used. The attached template for the evaluation model is attached. Kriterium: Art: Qualität Bezeichnung: Crew Beschreibung: Weighting: Tenderers are asked to fill in one or both of the forms Offered Crew with Competence (Annex 2) with the following information: Crew that covers the need for wood felling and preliminary and finishing work connected to this (To be completed for Part 1). Crew who cover the need for tree care and work services (Completed for Part 2). A total evaluation will be carried out of the offered system as regards how it covers the needs of the customer (Part 1 or Part 2). Emphasis will be put on the evaluation of competence, certification and experience. Emphasis is put on the fact that the quantity of the offered resources does not automatically result in higher numbers. NOTE! If tenders are submitted for both sub areas, a separate form shall be submitted per lot. Evaluation: This award criteria will be assessed based on the tenderer s response. A procurement assessment will be made when evaluating the described system. Best solution will be awarded the highest score (10 scores). Other solutions will be awarded a point score relative to the best solution. The tenderer s point score for this award criteria is weighted with the award criteria s weighting percentage. Kriterium: Art: Qualität Bezeichnung: Offered machinery and equipment Beschreibung: Weighting: The award criteria Offered machinery and equipment is weighted 20%. Tenderers are asked to fill in one or both of the forms Offered Machines and Equipment (Annex 3) with the following information: Machinery and equipment that covers the need for wood felling and preliminary and finishing work connected to this (To be completed for Part 1). Machinery and equipment that covers the need for wood care and arborist services (To be completed for Part 2). A total evaluation will be carried out of the offered system as regards how it covers the needs of the customer (Part 1 or Part 2). The suitability and age/condition of the offered machines and equipment will be taken into consideration during the evaluation. Emphasis is put on the fact that the quantity of offered machines does not automatically result in higher numbers. NOTE! If tenders are submitted for both sub areas, a separate form shall be submitted per lot. Evaluation: This award criteria will be assessed based on the tenderer s response. A procurement assessment will be made when evaluating the described system. Best solution will be awarded the highest score (10 scores). Other solutions will be awarded a point score relative to the best solution. The tenderer s point score for this award criteria is weighted with the award criteria s weighting percentage. 5.1.15. Techniken Rahmenvereinbarung: Rahmenvereinbarung ohne erneuten Aufruf zum Wettbewerb Informationen über das dynamische Beschaffungssystem: Kein dynamisches Beschaffungssystem Elektronische Auktion: nein 5.1.16. Weitere Informationen, Schlichtung und Nachprüfung Überprüfungsstelle: Møre og Romsdal tingrett Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) 5.1. Los: LOT-0003 Titel: Part 2: Tree care and work services Beschreibung: All those who shall prune, shed and crown security work in accordance with this contract must as a minimum be certified as European Tree Worker (ETW, EAC, European Arboricultural Council), ISA certified arborist (ISA, International Society of Arboriculture), trained arborist at vocational school or equivalent. Work managers shall have certification as above and shall have built up relevant and versatile practice over a period of minimum 3 years. The work manager shall be present for wood work in the facility and quality assure that the work is executed professionally correctly. If the responsible professional is absent, the deputy shall always have equivalent qualifications. In case of climbing work, there must always be at least one certified tree nurse/worker present in addition to the climbing. Climbing shall only be carried out by certified personnel or person under training when inspecting a certified person. Art of trees The art of trees shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements for the execution of the art of trees (table ZK2). Maintenance cutting The maintenance cutting of trees shall be carried out in accordance with requirements for the execution of maintenance cutting of trees (table ZK3). Development cutting Objective/extent: Necessary pruning measures to achieve safe and healthy trees with the desired crown structure. Comprises thinning, stemming, subordination and other necessary pruning measures. Requirement: The pruning shall stimulate safe and healthy trees with the desired crown structure. A strong crown structure and crown architecture shall be constructed: Trees that are free-crowned support the species distinctive character. Trees that shall be formed shall gradually be developed in accordance with actual form. The pruning shall take into account the need for accessibility and the need for clear visibility to signs and junctions. The pruning shall take into account buildings, lighting and other infrastructure (Note: Ought to be carried out periodically at 2-5 years intervals, from planting until the tree is approx. 20-30 years). Rating and registration of trees Execution: Visual inspection and written report will be carried out on the basis of recognised and accepted professional basis. General: Sufficient information on the extent of the work to be carried out and the prerequisites for the assessments to be carried out shall be provided. Scope and price basis: Includes work assessing trees. The price includes written report. Other works in connection with the management of parks and landscape areas. Individual care measures Supplementing work (controlling unwanted species and pruning bushes and hedges). Interne Kennung: 23/6659 5.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 77211500 Baumpflege Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 42418000 Maschinen zum Heben, Fördern, Be- oder Entladen, 42642100 Werkzeugmaschinen für die Bearbeitung von Holz, 77200000 Dienstleistungen in der Forstwirtschaft, 77211300 Rodung 5.1.2. Erfüllungsort Stadt: Ålesund Postleitzahl: 6003 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Møre og Romsdal (NO0A3) Land: Norwegen Zusätzliche Informationen: Ålesund 5.1.3. Geschätzte Dauer Datum des Beginns: 12/03/2024 Enddatum der Laufzeit: 11/03/2026 5.1.4. Verlängerung Maximale Verlängerungen: 2 Der Erwerber behält sich das Recht vor, zusätzliche Käufe vom Auftragnehmer zu tätigen, wie hier beschrieben: Renewal lenght is 12 months 5.1.5. Wert Höchstwert der Rahmenvereinbarung: 3 200 000,00 NOK 5.1.10. Zuschlagskriterien Kriterium: Art: Preis Bezeichnung: Price Beschreibung: The award criteria consists of several elements: hourly rate Crew (depending on the qualification) and hourly rate Machines (various machines). Hourly rates are to be given for the crew who will be engaged in the assignment. Hourly rates for crews shall include all the necessary equipment and any costs for the use of equipment, safety equipment and tools. Amounts for overtime shall not be given in the price form. Hourly rates are to be given for the machines that will be used for the assignment. Hourly rates for machines are given without drivers. Transport of crews and machines/equipment to the work area shall not be invoiced separately. Prices shall be effective time - transport included. Hourly rates include all expenses, including rigging. For orientation: For sub-area 2 Tree care and work work services , hourly rates for arborist will be emphasised higher than project manager and project manager higher again than unskilled. Gewichtung (Prozentanteil, genau): 50 Kriterium: Art: Qualität Bezeichnung: Offered machinery and equipment Beschreibung: The award criteria Offered machinery and equipment is weighted 20%. Tenderers are asked to fill in one or both of the forms Offered Machines and Equipment (Annex 3) with the following information: Machinery and equipment that covers the need for wood felling and preliminary and finishing work connected to this (To be completed for Part 1). Machinery and equipment that covers the need for wood care and arborist services (To be completed for Part 2). A total evaluation will be carried out of the offered system as regards how it covers the needs of the customer. The suitability and age/condition of the offered machines and equipment will be taken into consideration during the evaluation. Emphasis is put on the fact that the quantity of offered machines does not automatically result in higher numbers. This award criteria will be assessed based on the tenderer s response. A procurement assessment will be made when evaluating the described system. Best solution will be awarded the highest score (10 scores). Other solutions will be awarded a point score relative to the best solution. The tenderer s point score for this award criteria is weighted with the award criteria s weighting percentage. Gewichtung (Prozentanteil, genau): 20 Kriterium: Art: Qualität Bezeichnung: Crew Beschreibung: Tenderers are asked to fill in one or both of the forms Offered Crew with Competence (Annex 2) with the following information: Crew that covers the need for wood felling and preliminary and finishing work connected to this (To be completed for Part 1). Crew who cover the need for tree care and work services (Completed for Part 2). A total evaluation will be carried out of the offered system as regards how it covers the needs of the customer (Part 1 or Part 2). Emphasis will be put on the evaluation of competence, certification and experience. Emphasis is put on the fact that the quantity of the offered resources does not automatically result in higher numbers. NOTE! If tenders are submitted for both sub areas, a separate form shall be submitted per lot. Evaluation: This award criteria will be assessed based on the tenderer s response. A procurement assessment will be made when evaluating the described system. Best solution will be awarded the highest score (10 scores). Other solutions will be awarded a point score relative to the best solution. The tenderer s point score for this award criteria is weighted with the award criteria s weighting percentage. Gewichtung (Prozentanteil, genau): 30 5.1.15. Techniken Rahmenvereinbarung: Rahmenvereinbarung ohne erneuten Aufruf zum Wettbewerb Informationen über das dynamische Beschaffungssystem: Kein dynamisches Beschaffungssystem Elektronische Auktion: nein 5.1.16. Weitere Informationen, Schlichtung und Nachprüfung Überprüfungsstelle: Møre og Romsdal tingrett Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet: Gammel Ålesund kommune 6. Ergebnisse Wert aller in dieser Bekanntmachung vergebenen Verträge: 3 200 000,00 NOK 6.1. Ergebnis, Los- Kennung: LOT-0001 Status der Preisträgerauswahl: Es wurde mindestens ein Gewinner ermittelt. 6.1.2. Informationen über die Gewinner Wettbewerbsgewinner: Offizielle Bezeichnung: Sandal Parkdrift Angebot: Kennung des Angebots: Trefelling (del 1) og Trepleie og arboristtjeester (del 2) 2023 Kennung des Loses oder der Gruppe von Losen: LOT-0001 Informationen zum Auftrag: Kennung des Auftrags: 23/6659 Titel: General part-Sandal Park operation Datum der Auswahl des Gewinners: 28/02/2024 Datum des Vertragsabschlusses: 12/03/2024 Der Auftrag wird als Teil einer Rahmenvereinbarung vergeben: ja Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) Wettbewerbsgewinner: Offizielle Bezeichnung: Valldal Bygdeservice Angebot: Kennung des Angebots: Trefelling Ålesund kommune Kennung des Loses oder der Gruppe von Losen: LOT-0001 Informationen zum Auftrag: Kennung des Auftrags: 23/6659/2 Titel: General part Valldal Bygdeservice Datum der Auswahl des Gewinners: 28/02/2024 Datum des Vertragsabschlusses: 12/03/2024 Der Auftrag wird als Teil einer Rahmenvereinbarung vergeben: ja Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) 6.1.3. Nicht erfolgreiche Bieter: Offizielle Bezeichnung: Rødal skog Offizielle Bezeichnung: Stette Bygdeservice Offizielle Bezeichnung: VARNES DRIFT 6.1.4. Statistische Informationen: Eingegangene Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: Art der eingegangenen Einreichungen: Angebote Anzahl der eingegangenen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: 5 6.1. Ergebnis, Los- Kennung: LOT-0002 Status der Preisträgerauswahl: Es wurde mindestens ein Gewinner ermittelt. 6.1.2. Informationen über die Gewinner Wettbewerbsgewinner: Offizielle Bezeichnung: Sandal Parkdrift Angebot: Kennung des Angebots: Trefelling (del 1) og Trepleie og arboristtjeester (del 2) 2023 Kennung des Loses oder der Gruppe von Losen: LOT-0002 Informationen zum Auftrag: Kennung des Auftrags: 23/6659/1 Titel: Part 1: Felling wood -Sandal Park operations Datum der Auswahl des Gewinners: 28/02/2024 Datum des Vertragsabschlusses: 12/03/2024 Der Auftrag wird als Teil einer Rahmenvereinbarung vergeben: ja Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) Wettbewerbsgewinner: Offizielle Bezeichnung: Valldal Bygdeservice Angebot: Kennung des Angebots: Trefelling Ålesund kommune Kennung des Loses oder der Gruppe von Losen: LOT-0002 Informationen zum Auftrag: Kennung des Auftrags: 23/6659/2/1 Titel: Part 1: Trefelling-Valldal Bygdeservice Datum der Auswahl des Gewinners: 28/02/2024 Datum des Vertragsabschlusses: 12/03/2024 Der Auftrag wird als Teil einer Rahmenvereinbarung vergeben: ja Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) 6.1.3. Nicht erfolgreiche Bieter: Offizielle Bezeichnung: Rødal skog Offizielle Bezeichnung: Stette Bygdeservice Offizielle Bezeichnung: VARNES DRIFT 6.1.4. Statistische Informationen: Eingegangene Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: Art der eingegangenen Einreichungen: Angebote auf elektronischem Wege eingereicht Anzahl der eingegangenen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: 5 6.1. Ergebnis, Los- Kennung: LOT-0003 Status der Preisträgerauswahl: Es wurde mindestens ein Gewinner ermittelt. 6.1.2. Informationen über die Gewinner Wettbewerbsgewinner: Offizielle Bezeichnung: Sandal Parkdrift Angebot: Kennung des Angebots: Trefelling (del 1) og Trepleie og arboristtjeester (del 2) 2023 Kennung des Loses oder der Gruppe von Losen: LOT-0003 Informationen zum Auftrag: Kennung des Auftrags: 23/6659/1/2 Titel: Part 2: Tree care and arborist services - Sandal Parkdrift Datum der Auswahl des Gewinners: 28/02/2024 Der Auftrag wird als Teil einer Rahmenvereinbarung vergeben: nein Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet: Gammel Ålesund kommune 6.1.3. Nicht erfolgreiche Bieter: Offizielle Bezeichnung: Rødal skog Offizielle Bezeichnung: Stette Bygdeservice Offizielle Bezeichnung: VARNES DRIFT Offizielle Bezeichnung: Valldal Bygdeservice 6.1.4. Statistische Informationen: Eingegangene Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: Art der eingegangenen Einreichungen: Angebote auf elektronischem Wege eingereicht Anzahl der eingegangenen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge: 1 8. Organisationen 8.1. ORG-0001 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Gammel Ålesund kommune Registrierungsnummer: 920415288 Abteilung: Innkjøp Postanschrift: Keiser Wilhelms gate 11 Stadt: ÅLESUND Postleitzahl: 6003 Land: Norwegen Kontaktperson: Irene Fylling E-Mail: Telefon: +47 70162000 Rollen dieser Organisation: Beschaffer Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet 8.1. ORG-0002 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Møre og Romsdal tingrett Registrierungsnummer: 926 723 200 Postanschrift: Postboks 1354 Stadt: Ålesund Postleitzahl: 6001 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Møre og Romsdal (NO0A3) Land: Norwegen E-Mail: Telefon: 70 33 47 00 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: Überprüfungsstelle 8.1. ORG-0003 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Sandal Parkdrift Registrierungsnummer: 994958267 Abteilung: Salg Postanschrift: Morkafura 8 Stadt: Volda Postleitzahl: 6105 Land: Norwegen Kontaktperson: Daniel Armitage E-Mail: Telefon: +47 93 06 53 99 Rollen dieser Organisation: Bieter Gewinner dieser Lose: LOT-0001, LOT-0002, LOT-0003 8.1. ORG-0004 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Valldal Bygdeservice Registrierungsnummer: 983445802 Abteilung: Salg Postanschrift: Vaksvikvegen 11 Stadt: Ørskog Postleitzahl: 6240 Land: Norwegen Kontaktperson: Knut Ove Myklebust E-Mail: Telefon: 911 60 474 Rollen dieser Organisation: Bieter Gewinner dieser Lose: LOT-0001, LOT-0002 8.1. ORG-0005 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Rødal skog Registrierungsnummer: 916795947 Abteilung: Salg Postanschrift: Havnevikvegen 33 Stadt: Ålesund Postleitzahl: 6013 Land: Norwegen Kontaktperson: Aleksander Rødal E-Mail: Telefon: +4792211394 Rollen dieser Organisation: Bieter 8.1. ORG-0006 Offizielle Bezeichnung: VARNES DRIFT Registrierungsnummer: 918653988 Abteilung: Salg Postanschrift: Vardnesvegen 52 Stadt: Midsund Postleitzahl: 6475 Land: Norwegen Kontaktperson: Odd Eivind Varnes E-Mail: Telefon: 97725515 Rollen dieser Organisation: Bieter 8.1. ORG-0007 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Stette Bygdeservice Registrierungsnummer: 999336531 Abteilung: Salg Postanschrift: Stettevegen 405 Stadt: Skodje Postleitzahl: 6260 Land: Norwegen Kontaktperson: Håkon Stette E-Mail: Telefon: 95183768 Rollen dieser Organisation: Bieter 8.1. ORG-0008 Offizielle Bezeichnung: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) Registrierungsnummer: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) Abteilung: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) Postanschrift: Keiser Wilhelmsgate 11 Stadt: Ålesund Postleitzahl: 6003 Land: Norwegen Kontaktperson: ÅLESUND KOMMUNE (929911709) E-Mail: Telefon: +47 70162000 Rollen dieser Organisation: Beschaffer Federführendes Mitglied Organisation, die den Auftrag unterzeichnet 11. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung 11.1. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung Kennung/Fassung der Bekanntmachung: cf7ee887-75d0-483b-9281-070caab121a9 - 01 Formulartyp: Ergebnis Art der Bekanntmachung: Bekanntmachung vergebener Aufträge oder Zuschlagsbekanntmachung Standardregelung Unterart der Bekanntmachung: 29 Datum der Übermittlung der Bekanntmachung: 27/06/2024 15:59:41 (UTC) Bekanntmachung eSender-Übermittlungsdatum: 27/06/2024 16:05:04 (UTC) Sprachen, in denen diese Bekanntmachung offiziell verfügbar ist: Englisch 11.2. Informationen zur Veröffentlichung ABl. S Nummer der Ausgabe: 126/2024 Datum der Veröffentlichung: 01/07/2024 Referenzen: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Operation & Alert Service (icc-hofmann) for: The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities The Federal Office of Foreign Trade Information Phone: +49 6082-910101, Fax: +49 6082-910200, URL: