Ausschreibung: Beratung, Software-Entwicklung, Internet und Hilfestellung Tender for Contract Regarding provision of an AIS Solution and Services related to the Danish Coastal AIS System - DNK-Korsør IT-Dienste: Beratung, Software-Entwicklung, Internet und Hilfestellung Softwareprogrammierung und -beratung Programmierung von Softwarepaketen Programmierung von Anwendersoftware Systemdienstleistungen und Unterstützungsdienste Datendienste Computerunterstützung und -beratung Computerunterstützung Dokument Nr...: 390278-2024 (ID: 2024070101411182362) Veröffentlicht: 01.07.2024 * DNK-Korsør: Dänemark IT-Dienste: Beratung, Software-Entwicklung, Internet und Hilfestellung Tender for Contract Regarding provision of an AIS Solution and Services related to the Danish Coastal AIS System 2024/S 126/2024 390278 Dänemark IT-Dienste: Beratung, Software-Entwicklung, Internet und Hilfestellung Tender for Contract Regarding provision of an AIS Solution and Services related to the Danish Coastal AIS System OJ S 126/2024 01/07/2024 Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung Standardregelung Dienstleistungen 1. Beschaffer 1.1. Beschaffer Offizielle Bezeichnung: Søfartsstyrelsen E-Mail: Rechtsform des Erwerbers: Zentrale Regierungsbehörde Tätigkeit des öffentlichen Auftraggebers: Allgemeine öffentliche Verwaltung 2. Verfahren 2.1. Verfahren Titel: Tender for Contract Regarding provision of an AIS Solution and Services related to the Danish Coastal AIS System Beschreibung: I) Background and purpose: The tender is for a Contract regarding provision of an AIS Solution and Services related to the Danish Coastal AIS System. In accordance with Directive 2002/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 27. June 2002 with later amendments, the contracting entity is responsible for the Danish Coastal AIS System. The tendered Contract concerns provision of an AIS Solution and related Services that shall be provided in relation to the contracting entitys Danish Coastal AIS System. The Services shall together with the Danish Costal AIS System be used for traffic surveillance, data analysis and marine aids for navigation. Thus, the Services in relation to the Danish Coastal AIS System play an important role in the following: - As a tool for investigating incidents at sea. - Data analysis to improve the navigational safety of the Danish waters. For instance, by analyzing traffic density filtered by such parameters as draught, speed, and other information. - Data analysis to assess the impact of entrepreneurial projects at sea in relation to safety and the free navigation. - Transmitting information about Virtual AIS AtoNs. - Addressed or broadcasted messages via the Solution. II) Main Services of the Contract: The tendered Contract covers the following Services: A. Implementation Services: The tenderer shall provide Implementation Services related to the Solution, including implementation/installation of the Solution, and testing hereof. The purpose of the Implementation Services is to ensure that the contracting entity can use the Solution as intended. B. Provision of the Solution: The tenderer shall provide a standard AIS Solution for the contracting entitys use via the internet as a Software as a Service (SaaS). The Solution shall be designed and operated to be scalable in relation to the number of users. It is the contracting entitys expectation that, on average, 10 users will use Solution daily during the term of the Contract. C. Continuing Services: The tenderer shall provide Continuing Services, which includes operation, maintenance, and support. The tenderer shall as a part of the operational services ensure continuous operation of the Solution and all related services, including installation of new Versions and Releases and user administration. Furthermore, the tenderer shall maintain the Solution to secure a stable and up to date functionality and the use of the Solution. The maintenance includes both preventive maintenance as well as troubleshooting and error and incident correction. Finally, the tenderer shall provide support to the contracting entity in relation to the use of the Solution, including handling report of incidents and Faults through a support desk, which shall be available for the contracting entity on Working Days from 08.00-17.00 via telephone and via the tenderers customer portal or e-mail. D. Services as per Order: The tenderer shall, to the extent not included in the Implementation Services or in the Continuing Services, provide Services as per Order relating to the Solution. Services as per Order includes consultancy services and provision and installation of Additional Modules. The tenderer shall provide consultancy services related to the Solution on the Customer s request. The consultancy services include among other things further training and education in the use of the Solution, which is caused by new Versions and Releases, and support to the extent not included in the Continuing Services. On the contracting entitys request, the tenderer shall provide and install Additional Modules with business functionality from the tenderers Roadmap. E. Exit Services: As regards termination or expiry of the tendered Contract, in whole or in part, and irrespective of the reason thereto, the tenderer shall provide Exit Services. The Exit Services includes the tenderers continued provision of Services until the contracting entity or a new supplier is ready to take over the Services. Furthermore, the Exit Services includes the tenderers transfer of the contracting entitys data from the Solution to the contracting entity or a new Solution provided by a new supplier. Kennung des Verfahrens: a834c306-0a8e-4ebc-96c6-128fdffc84db Interne Kennung: 1 Verfahrensart: Verhandlungsverfahren mit vorheriger Veröffentlichung eines Aufrufs zum Wettbewerb /Verhandlungsverfahren Das Verfahren wird beschleunigt: nein Zentrale Elemente des Verfahrens: After receipt of initial tenders, the contracting entity will conduct individual negotiation meetings with all tenderers who have submitted an initial tender within the deadline stated. The negotiations will be conducted in accordance with the principle of equal treatment, and all tenderers will be given the same amount of time for negotiations with the contracting entity. Successive stages are not used in order to limit the number of tenders to be negotiated. After the negotiations, the contracting entity may choose to issue revised tender documents for further initial or final tenders. The tenderers will be informed thereof at the same time with an invitation to submit a revised initial or final tender. The contracting entity reserves the right to award the Contract on the basis of the first initial tender. The contracting entity will not pay a participation fee to the tenderers. For further information on the process of the negotiations, reference is made to the tender specifications. 2.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 72000000 IT-Dienste: Beratung, Software-Entwicklung, Internet und Hilfestellung Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 72200000 Softwareprogrammierung und -beratung, 72210000 Programmierung von Softwarepaketen, 72212000 Programmierung von Anwendersoftware, 72250000 Systemdienstleistungen und Unterstützungsdienste, 72300000 Datendienste, 72600000 Computerunterstützung und -beratung, 72610000 Computerunterstützung 2.1.2. Erfüllungsort Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Københavns omegn (DK012) Land: Dänemark Zusätzliche Informationen The Solution shall be provided for the contracting entity s use via the internet as a Software as a Service (SaaS). Other Services may be provided remotely, e.g., via remote access, telephone, email or chat unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties. However, see limitations to this in the data processing agreement, cf. Appendix 12 of the tendered Contract. 2.1.3. Wert Geschätzter Wert ohne MwSt.: 15 000 000,00 DKK 2.1.4. Allgemeine Informationen Zusätzliche Informationen: The economic operator is established in a country which is included in the EU-list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes and has not acceded to the GPA or other trade agree-ments, see section 134 a of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Participation in the tender procedure may only take place by electronic means via the electronic tendering system used by the contracting entity. For access to the procurement documents, the candidate must be registered or register as a user. If the application contains several versions of the same document, the latest uploaded version will apply. All communication in connection with the tender procedure, including questions and answers, must take place through the electronic tendering system. Interested operators are requested to keep updated via the electronic tendering system. If the candidate encounters problems with the system, please contact support by e-mail,, or telephone (+45) 70 20 80 14. As its application, the candidate must submit an ESPD as preliminary documentation of the circumstances set out in section 148(1), paras (1)-(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act (udbudsloven). It is not necessary for the candidate to sign the ESPD document. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participating operator. Where the candidate is a group of operators, the ESPD document of each participant in the group must be signed by the participant in question. The candidate heading the group and submitting the application is not required to sign its ESPD document. If the candidate relies on the capacities of other entities, an ESPD must be submitted for and signed by each of the entities on which it relies. Before the award decision is made, the tenderer to whom the contracting entity intends to award the contract must provide documentation of the information submitted in the ESPD pursuant to sections 151-152, cf. section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. As an alternative to the documentation mentioned in sections 153-155, 157 and 158 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, the applicant and tenderer may submit to the contracting entity a certificate of registration in an official list of approved economic operators, see section 156 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, issued by the competent authority. The contracting entity only accepts certificates of registration in an official list from applicants and tenderers established in the country holding the official list. The candidate must also submit a letter of commitment in which the entity /entities on which the candidate relies has/have undertaken joint and several liability with the candidate if the candidate is awarded the contract. The form is enclosed as Appendix F to the tender specifications. The contracting entity will select the number of candidates by applying the selection criteria stated in this contract notice, unless the contracting entity receives no more than the stated number of compliant requests for participation. It should be noted that the amount is an estimate of the expected contract price for the entire term of the Contract, including the price of extension options. The estimate is based on on historical data as well as the expected value including all services covered by the tendered Contract. It should be noted that each candidate may only submit one application for prequalification. The contracting entity may use the procedure of section 159(5) of the Danish Public Procurement Act in the event that applications or tenders do not comply with the formal requirements of the tender documents. Attention is drawn to Article 5k in Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, as amended, which applies to the tender procedure. The provision contains a prohibition against award of contracts to Russian companies and Russian-controlled companies etc. (reference is made to Article 5k, section 1, for the precise definition of the operators that are subject to the prohibition). The contracting entity re-serves the right to require at any time during the tender process that the economic operators prove that they are not subject to the prohibition, for example by requiring a declaration to this effect and/or documentation regarding the place of establishment and ownership of the economic operators and any subcontractors. Pursuant to the Danish Investment Screening Act ( economic operators i) that are domiciled outside the EU or EFTA, or ii) are controlled by or subject to significant influence as defined in the Act from an entity domiciled in or a national of a country outside the EU or EFTA must apply to the Danish Business Authority for an authorisation to enter into a special financial agreement within a particularly sensitive sector or activity. The contracting entity has assessed that the conclusion of the contract may be subject to the authorisation requirement. The tenderer should clarify whether tenderers conclusion of the contract will be subject to such requirement. Further details are available at screening-act/Special-financial-agreements/. Rechtsgrundlage: Richtlinie 2014/24/EU The Danish Public Procurement Act (Act no. 1564 of 15 December 2015, as amended). - The tender procedure is covered by the Danish Public Procurement Act (Act No. 1564 of 15 December 2015 as amended), which implements the Public Procurement Directive (Directive 2014/24/EU). 2.1.6. Ausschlussgründe Korruption: See section 135(1), para (2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Beteiligung an einer kriminellen Vereinigung: See section 135(1), para (1) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Geldwäsche oder Terrorismusfinanzierung: See section 135(1), para (5) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Betrugsbekämpfung: See section 135(1), para (3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Kinderarbeit und andere Formen des Menschenhandels: See section 135(1), para (6) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Falsche Angaben, verweigerte Informationen, die nicht in der Lage sind, die erforderlichen Unterlagen vorzulegen, und haben vertrauliche Informationen über dieses Verfahren erhalten.: See section 136, para (3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Interessenkonflikt aufgrund seiner Teilnahme an dem Vergabeverfahren: See section 136, para (1) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Direkte oder indirekte Beteiligung an der Vorbereitung des Vergabeverfahrens: See section 136, para (2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Schwere Verfehlung im Rahmen der beruflichen Tätigkeit: See section 136, para (4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Zahlung der Sozialversicherungsbeiträge: See section 135(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Entrichtung von Steuern: See section 135(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Terroristische Straftaten oder Straftaten im Zusammenhang mit terroristischen Aktivitäten: See section 135(1), para (4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. 5. Los 5.1. Los: LOT-0000 Titel: Tender for Contract Regarding provision of an AIS Solution and Services related to the Danish Coastal AIS System Beschreibung: I) Background and purpose: The tender is for a Contract regarding provision of an AIS Solution and Services related to the Danish Coastal AIS System. In accordance with Directive 2002/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 27. June 2002 with later amendments, the contracting entity is responsible for the Danish Coastal AIS System. The tendered Contract concerns provision of an AIS Solution and related Services that shall be provided in relation to the contracting entitys Danish Coastal AIS System. The Services shall together with the Danish Costal AIS System be used for traffic surveillance, data analysis and marine aids for navigation. Thus, the Services in relation to the Danish Coastal AIS System play an important role in the following: - As a tool for investigating incidents at sea. - Data analysis to improve the navigational safety of the Danish waters. For instance, by analyzing traffic density filtered by such parameters as draught, speed, and other information. - Data analysis to assess the impact of entrepreneurial projects at sea in relation to safety and the free navigation. - Transmitting information about Virtual AIS AtoNs. - Addressed or broadcasted messages via the Solution. II) Main Services of the Contract: The tendered Contract covers the following Services: A. Implementation Services: The tenderer shall provide Implementation Services related to the Solution, including implementation/installation of the Solution, and testing hereof. The purpose of the Implementation Services is to ensure that the contracting entity can use the Solution as intended. B. Provision of the Solution: The tenderer shall provide a standard AIS Solution for the contracting entitys use via the internet as a Software as a Service (SaaS). The Solution shall be designed and operated to be scalable in relation to the number of users. It is the contracting entitys expectation that, on average, 10 users will use Solution daily during the term of the Contract. C. Continuing Services: The tenderer shall provide Continuing Services, which includes operation, maintenance, and support. The tenderer shall as a part of the operational services ensure continuous operation of the Solution and all related services, including installation of new Versions and Releases and user administration. Furthermore, the tenderer shall maintain the Solution to secure a stable and up to date functionality and the use of the Solution. The maintenance includes both preventive maintenance as well as troubleshooting and error and incident correction. Finally, the tenderer shall provide support to the contracting entity in relation to the use of the Solution, including handling report of incidents and Faults through a support desk, which shall be available for the contracting entity on Working Days from 08.00-17.00 via telephone and via the tenderers customer portal or e-mail. D. Services as per Order: The tenderer shall, to the extent not included in the Implementation Services or in the Continuing Services, provide Services as per Order relating to the Solution. Services as per Order includes consultancy services and provision and installation of Additional Modules. The tenderer shall provide consultancy services related to the Solution on the Customer s request. The consultancy services include among other things further training and education in the use of the Solution, which is caused by new Versions and Releases, and support to the extent not included in the Continuing Services. On the contracting entitys request, the tenderer shall provide and install Additional Modules with business functionality from the tenderers Roadmap. E. Exit Services: As regards termination or expiry of the tendered Contract, in whole or in part, and irrespective of the reason thereto, the tenderer shall provide Exit Services. The Exit Services includes the tenderers continued provision of Services until the contracting entity or a new supplier is ready to take over the Services. Furthermore, the Exit Services includes the tenderers transfer of the contracting entitys data from the Solution to the contracting entity or a new Solution provided by a new supplier. Interne Kennung: 1 5.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 72000000 IT-Dienste: Beratung, Software-Entwicklung, Internet und Hilfestellung Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 72200000 Softwareprogrammierung und -beratung, 72210000 Programmierung von Softwarepaketen, 72212000 Programmierung von Anwendersoftware, 72250000 Systemdienstleistungen und Unterstützungsdienste, 72300000 Datendienste, 72600000 Computerunterstützung und -beratung, 72610000 Computerunterstützung Optionen: Beschreibung der Optionen: The tendered Contract contains no options, except for extension options. 5.1.2. Erfüllungsort Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Københavns omegn (DK012) Land: Dänemark Zusätzliche Informationen: The Solution shall be provided for the contracting entity s use via the internet as a Software as a Service (SaaS). Other Services may be provided remotely, e.g., via remote access, telephone, email or chat unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties. However, see limitations to this in the data processing agreement, cf. Appendix 12 of the tendered Contract. 5.1.3. Geschätzte Dauer Laufzeit: 84 Monate 5.1.4. Verlängerung Maximale Verlängerungen: 2 Der Erwerber behält sich das Recht vor, zusätzliche Käufe vom Auftragnehmer zu tätigen, wie hier beschrieben: The estimated duration of the Contract put out for tender is inclusive of the extension option. 60 months constitutes the ordinary term of the Contract from the latest signature, while the remaining 24 months constitutes the extension period of the Contract. The Contract may be extended by two (2) times 12 months. 5.1.5. Wert Geschätzter Wert ohne MwSt.: 15 000 000,00 DKK 5.1.6. Allgemeine Informationen Vorbehaltene Teilnahme: Teilnahme ist nicht vorbehalten. Die Namen und beruflichen Qualifikationen des zur Auftragsausführung eingesetzten Personals sind anzugeben: Nicht erforderlich Auftragsvergabeprojekt nicht aus EU-Mitteln finanziert Die Beschaffung fällt unter das Übereinkommen über das öffentliche Beschaffungswesen: ja Zusätzliche Informationen: The economic operator is established in a country which is included in the EU-list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes and has not acceded to the GPA or other trade agree-ments, see section 134 a of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Participation in the tender procedure may only take place by electronic means via the electronic tendering system used by the contracting entity. For access to the procurement documents, the candidate must be registered or register as a user. If the application contains several versions of the same document, the latest uploaded version will apply. All communication in connection with the tender procedure, including questions and answers, must take place through the electronic tendering system. Interested operators are requested to keep updated via the electronic tendering system. If the candidate encounters problems with the system, please contact support by e-mail,, or telephone (+45) 70 20 80 14. As its application, the candidate must submit an ESPD as preliminary documentation of the circumstances set out in section 148(1), paras (1)-(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act (udbudsloven). It is not necessary for the candidate to sign the ESPD document. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participating operator. Where the candidate is a group of operators, the ESPD document of each participant in the group must be signed by the participant in question. The candidate heading the group and submitting the application is not required to sign its ESPD document. If the candidate relies on the capacities of other entities, an ESPD must be submitted for and signed by each of the entities on which it relies. Before the award decision is made, the tenderer to whom the contracting entity intends to award the contract must provide documentation of the information submitted in the ESPD pursuant to sections 151-152, cf. section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. As an alternative to the documentation mentioned in sections 153-155, 157 and 158 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, the applicant and tenderer may submit to the contracting entity a certificate of registration in an official list of approved economic operators, see section 156 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, issued by the competent authority. The contracting entity only accepts certificates of registration in an official list from applicants and tenderers established in the country holding the official list. The candidate must also submit a letter of commitment in which the entity /entities on which the candidate relies has/have undertaken joint and several liability with the candidate if the candidate is awarded the contract. The form is enclosed as Appendix F to the tender specifications. The contracting entity will select the number of candidates by applying the selection criteria stated in this contract notice, unless the contracting entity receives no more than the stated number of compliant requests for participation. It should be noted that the amount is an estimate of the expected contract price for the entire term of the Contract, including the price of extension options. The estimate is based on on historical data as well as the expected value including all services covered by the tendered Contract. It should be noted that each candidate may only submit one application for prequalification. The contracting entity may use the procedure of section 159(5) of the Danish Public Procurement Act in the event that applications or tenders do not comply with the formal requirements of the tender documents. Attention is drawn to Article 5k in Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, as amended, which applies to the tender procedure. The provision contains a prohibition against award of contracts to Russian companies and Russian-controlled companies etc. (reference is made to Article 5k, section 1, for the precise definition of the operators that are subject to the prohibition). The contracting entity re-serves the right to require at any time during the tender process that the economic operators prove that they are not subject to the prohibition, for example by requiring a declaration to this effect and/or documentation regarding the place of establishment and ownership of the economic operators and any subcontractors. Pursuant to the Danish Investment Screening Act ( economic operators i) that are domiciled outside the EU or EFTA, or ii) are controlled by or subject to significant influence as defined in the Act from an entity domiciled in or a national of a country outside the EU or EFTA must apply to the Danish Business Authority for an authorisation to enter into a special financial agreement within a particularly sensitive sector or activity. The contracting entity has assessed that the conclusion of the contract may be subject to the authorisation requirement. The tenderer should clarify whether tenderers conclusion of the contract will be subject to such requirement. Further details are available at screening-act/Special-financial-agreements/. 5.1.9. Eignungskriterien Kriterium: Art: Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit Bezeichnung: The equity at the end of the latest financial year available. Beschreibung: The candidate must submit the European Single Procurement Document ( ESPD ) with the following information: The candidate s equity in the latest financial year available. In this procedure, the candidate may rely on the economic and financial capacity of other operators to fulfil the suitability requirements. The operator(s) making its/their economic and financial capacity available to the candidate must sign a letter of commitment, see further in the tender specifications. The form is enclosed as an attachment to the tender specifications. If the candidate relies on the economic and financial capacity of other entities in relation to the fulfilment of minimum suitability requirements, see below, the candidate and the entities in question will be required by the contracting entity to undertake joint and several liability for the performance of the contract. The ESPD serves as provisional documentation that the candidate fulfils the minimum suitability requirements in respect of economic and financial capacity. Before the award decision is made, the candidate to whom the contracting entity intends to award the contract must submit documentation that the information stated in the ESPD is accurate. Upon the contracting entity s request, the following documentation of economic and financial capacity must be submitted: The operator s balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets in the latest annual report/financial statement available if publication of the balance sheets is required under law in the country in which the operator is established, or other documentation of the size of the equity. For groups of operators (e.g., a consortium), the information in the latest annual report/financial statement available must be submitted for each participating operator in the group. Where an operator relies on the economic and financial capacity of other entities (e.g., a parent company, a sister company or a subcontractor), information for such other entities must be provided as well. Minimum requirement: As a minimum requirement, an equity is required of at least DKK 2 million in the latest annual report /financial statement available. If the candidate relies on the capacities of other entities, the equity is to be calculated as the total equity of the operator and such other entities in the latest annual report/financial statement available. For groups of operators (e.g., a consortium), the equity is calculated as the total equity of the operators in the latest annual report/financial statement available. The information is to be stated in section IV.B of the ESPD. Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet Kriterium: Art: Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit Bezeichnung: The equity ratio in the latest financial year. Beschreibung: The candidate must submit the European Single Procurement Document ( ESPD ) with the following information: The candidates equity ratio in the latest financial year available. In this procedure, the candidate may rely on the economic and financial capacity of other operators to fulfil the suitability requirements. The operator(s) making its/their economic and financial capacity available to the candidate must sign a letter of commitment, see further in the tender specifications. The form is enclosed as an attachment to the tender specifications. If the candidate relies on the economic and financial capacity of other entities in relation to the fulfilment of minimum suitability requirements, see below, the candidate and the entities in question will be required by the contracting entity to undertake joint and several liability for the performance of the contract. The ESPD serves as provisional documentation that the candidate fulfils the minimum suitability requirements in respect of economic and financial capacity. Before the award decision is made, the candidate to whom the contracting entity intends to award the contract must submit documentation that the information stated in the ESPD is accurate. Upon the contracting entity s request, the following documentation of economic and financial capacity must be submitted: A statement regarding the operator s equity and assets in the latest annual report/financial statement available, depending on when the operator was established if the equity and assets figures are available. For groups of operators (e.g., a consortium), the information in the latest annual report/financial statement available must be submitted for each participating operator in the group. Where an operator relies on the economic and financial capacity of other entities (e.g., a parent company, a sister company or a subcontractor), in-formation for such other entities must be provided as well. Minimum requirement: As a minimum requirement, an equity ratio is required of at least 20 % in the latest annual report/financial statement available. The equity ratio is calculated as the operators total equity divided by the operators total assets, calculated as a percentage. The equity ratio is thus calculated as (total equity/total assets) x 100 = equity ratio. If the candidate relies on the capacities of other entities, the equity ratio is calculated as the total equity of the candidate and such other entities divided by their total assets, calculated as a percentage. For groups of operators (e.g., a consortium), the equity ratio is calculated as the total equity of the operators divided by their total assets, calculated as a percentage. The information is to be stated in section IV.B of the ESPD. Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet Kriterium: Art: Eignung zur Berufsausübung Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Nicht verwendet Kriterium: Art: Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit Bezeichnung: References. Beschreibung: The candidate must submit the ESPD with the following information: A list of up to 5 of the most significant comparable services that the candidate has carried out in the latest 3 years before the expiry of the deadline for application. Only references relating to services carried out at the time of the deadline for application will be given importance in the evaluation in relation to the shortlistning of candidates, see below. Hence, in the case of an ongoing task, only the part of the services already performed at the time of the deadline for application will be included in the evaluation of the reference. Each reference is requested to include a brief description of the deliveries made. The description of the delivery should include a clear description of the services to which the delivery relates and the candidates role(s) in the performance of the delivery. The reference is furthermore requested to include the financial value of the delivery (amount), the date of delivery and the name of the customer (recipient). When indicating the date of the delivery, the candidate is requested to indicate the date of commencement and finalisation of the delivery. If this is not possible, for example if the tasks were performed on a continuous basis under a framework agreement, the candidate is asked to indicate how the date is specified. No more than 5 references may be stated, irrespective of whether the candidate is a single operator, whether the candidate relies on the technical capacity of other entities, or is a group of operators (e.g. a consortium). Where more than 5 references are stated, only the most recent 5 references will be taken into account. Any additional references will be disregarded. If it is not possible to decide which references are the most recent 5 references, the references will be selected by drawing lots. In this procedure, the candidate may rely on the technical capacity of other operators to fulfil the suitability requirements. The operator(s) making its/their technical capacity available to the candidate must sign a letter of commitment, see further in the tender specifications. The form is enclosed as Appendix F to the tender specifications. If the candidate relies on the professional experience of other entities for the performance of specific parts of the services comprised by the Contract, such specific parts of the services under the Contract must be performed by the entity on which the candidate relies. The ESPD serves as provisional documentation that the candidate fulfils the minimum suitability requirements in respect of technical and professional capacity. Before the award decision is made, the candidate to whom the contracting entity intends to award the Contract must submit documentation that the information stated in the ESPD is accurate. No additional documentation of technical and professional capacity will be required from the candidate. However, the contracting entity reserves the right to contact the candidate or the customer stated in the reference for verification of the information stated in the reference, including the dates of the reference indicated. Criteria for selection among the suitable candidates. The shortlisting of candidates invited to tender will be based on an evaluation of which candidates have documented the most relevant deliveries, in relation to the main services A-E put up for tender, cf. the description of the II) Main Services of the Contract in this contract notice. The relevance assessment will be made on the basis of the extent to which the references, combined, document experience in the provision of services that are comparable to the main services put up for tender. In the evaluation of which candidates have documented the most relevant deliveries, the contracting entity will award points to the candidates on a scale from 1-5 for each main service, based on the extent to which the references, combined, document relevant experience in providing the main services. On this basis, the candidate will be awarded a total score calculated as the average number of points awarded for the main services. Anwendung dieses Kriteriums: Verwendet Anhand der Kriterien werden die Bewerber ausgewählt, die zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens eingeladen werden sollen Informationen über die zweite Phase eines zweiphasigen Verfahrens: Mindestzahl der zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens einzuladenden Bewerber: 5 Höchstzahl der zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens einzuladenden Bewerber: 5 Der Erwerber behält sich das Recht vor, den Auftrag aufgrund der ursprünglichen Angebote ohne weitere Verhandlungen zu vergeben 5.1.10. Zuschlagskriterien Kriterium: Art: Preis Bezeichnung: Price Beschreibung: Reference is made to the tender specifications, Appendix A, paragraph 1, item 1. Gewichtung (Prozentanteil, genau): 40 Kriterium: Art: Qualität Bezeichnung: Quality Beschreibung: Reference is made to the tender specifications, Appendix A, paragraph 1, item 2. Gewichtung (Prozentanteil, genau): 60 5.1.11. Auftragsunterlagen Sprachen, in denen die Auftragsunterlagen offiziell verfügbar sind: Englisch Internetadresse der Auftragsunterlagen: PID=392404&B= 5.1.12. Bedingungen für die Auftragsvergabe Bedingungen für die Einreichung: Elektronische Einreichung: Erforderlich Adresse für die Einreichung: PID=392404&B= Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Englisch Elektronischer Katalog: Nicht zulässig Varianten: Nicht zulässig Die Bieter können mehrere Angebote einreichen: Nicht zulässig Frist für den Eingang der Teilnahmeanträge: 15/08/2024 21:59:00 (UTC) Auftragsbedingungen: Die Auftragsausführung muss im Rahmen von Programmen für geschützte Beschäftigungsverhältnisse erfolgen: Nein Bedingungen für die Ausführung des Auftrags: The Contract has incorporated the CSR considerations, as appropriate, as laid down in the conventions on the basis of which the principles of the UN Global Compact are worded and as laid down in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Contract furthermore lays down requirements pursuant to ILO Convention no. 94 on labor clauses in public contracts and Circular no. 9471 of 30 June 2014. The Contract lays down requirements on compliance with: - Chapter 3 of the Danish NIS Act (law no. 436 of 8 May 2018) and the NIS2-directive to the extent that the directive applies. - The law on processing of personal data as applicable at any time, if later processing of personal data. - Danish order no. 46 of 15 January 2019 on the security of network and information systems of importance to the safety and navigation. If the Contract is awarded to a group of operators, the participants of the group must undertake joint and several liability and appoint a joint representative. Elektronische Rechnungsstellung: Erforderlich Aufträge werden elektronisch erteilt: nein Zahlungen werden elektronisch geleistet: ja Informationen über die Überprüfungsfristen: Pursuant to the Danish Act on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement, etc. (lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud m.v.) (the Act is available (in Danish) at, the following deadlines apply to the lodging of complaints: Complaints of not having been selected must be submitted to the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before the expiry of 20 calendar days, see section 7 (1) of the Act, from the day after submission of notification to the candidates concerned of the identity of the successful tenderer where the notification is accompanied by an explanation of the grounds for the decision in accordance with section 2(1), para (1) of the Act and section 171(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. In other situations, complaints of award procedures, see section 7(2) of the Act, must be lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before the expiry of: 1) 45 calendar days after the contracting entity has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union that the contracting entity has entered into a contract. The deadline is calculated from the day after the day when the notice was published. 2) 30 calendar days calculated from the day after the day when the contracting entity has notified the candidates concerned that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into if the notification has included an explanation of the relevant grounds for the decision. 3) 6 months after the contracting entity entered into a framework agreement calculated from the day after the day when the contracting entity notified the candidates and tenderers concerned, see section 2(2) of the Act and section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. 4) 20 calendar days calculated from the day after the contracting entity has submitted notification of its decision, see section 185(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Not later than at the time of lodging a complaint with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the complainant must notify the contracting entity in writing that a complaint has been lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement and whether the complaint was lodged during the standstill period, see section 6(4) of the Act. In cases where the complaint was not lodged within the standstill period, the complainant must furthermore indicate whether a suspensory effect of the complaint has been requested, see section 12(1) of the Act. The e- mail address of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement is The Complaints Boards own complaints procedure is available at din-klage/klagenaevnet-for-udbud/vejledning/. 5.1.15. Techniken Rahmenvereinbarung: Keine Rahmenvereinbarung Informationen über das dynamische Beschaffungssystem: Kein dynamisches Beschaffungssystem 5.1.16. Weitere Informationen, Schlichtung und Nachprüfung Überprüfungsstelle: Klagenævnet for Udbud Organisation, die zusätzliche Informationen über das Vergabeverfahren bereitstellt: Søfartsstyrelsen Organisation, die weitere Informationen für die Nachprüfungsverfahren bereitstellt: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen Organisation, die Teilnahmeanträge entgegennimmt: Søfartsstyrelsen Organisation, die Angebote bearbeitet: Søfartsstyrelsen TED eSender: Mercell Holding ASA 8. Organisationen 8.1. ORG-0001 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Søfartsstyrelsen Registrierungsnummer: 29831610 Postanschrift: Caspar Brands Plads 9 Stadt: Korsør Postleitzahl: 4220 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Vest- og Sydsjælland (DK022) Land: Dänemark Kontaktperson: MBA E-Mail: Telefon: +45 72196138 Internetadresse: Profil des Erwerbers: /281426 Rollen dieser Organisation: Beschaffer Organisation, die zusätzliche Informationen über das Vergabeverfahren bereitstellt Organisation, die Teilnahmeanträge entgegennimmt Organisation, die Angebote bearbeitet 8.1. ORG-0002 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Klagenævnet for Udbud Registrierungsnummer: 37795526 Postanschrift: Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2 Stadt: Viborg Postleitzahl: 8800 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Vestjylland (DK041) Land: Dänemark E-Mail: Telefon: +45 72405600 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: Überprüfungsstelle 8.1. ORG-0003 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen Registrierungsnummer: 10294819 Postanschrift: Carl Jacobsens Vej 35 Stadt: Valby Postleitzahl: 2500 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Byen København (DK011) Land: Dänemark E-Mail: Telefon: +45 41715000 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: Organisation, die weitere Informationen für die Nachprüfungsverfahren bereitstellt 8.1. ORG-0004 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Mercell Holding ASA Registrierungsnummer: 980921565 Postanschrift: Askekroken 11 Stadt: Oslo Postleitzahl: 0277 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Oslo (NO081) Land: Norwegen Kontaktperson: eSender E-Mail: Telefon: +47 21018800 Fax: +47 21018801 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: TED eSender 11. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung 11.1. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung Kennung/Fassung der Bekanntmachung: dfa8a498-0298-4195-abe8-dde90141c9c0 - 01 Formulartyp: Wettbewerb Art der Bekanntmachung: Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung Standardregelung Unterart der Bekanntmachung: 16 Datum der Übermittlung der Bekanntmachung: 28/06/2024 07:54:46 (UTC) Bekanntmachung eSender-Übermittlungsdatum: 28/06/2024 11:00:43 (UTC) Sprachen, in denen diese Bekanntmachung offiziell verfügbar ist: Englisch 11.2. Informationen zur Veröffentlichung ABl. S Nummer der Ausgabe: 126/2024 Datum der Veröffentlichung: 01/07/2024 Referenzen: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Operation & Alert Service (icc-hofmann) for: The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities The Federal Office of Foreign Trade Information Phone: +49 6082-910101, Fax: +49 6082-910200, URL: