Ausschreibung: Norwegen Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung Development and implementation of courses - Terrain vehicles - NOR-OSLO Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung Erwachsenenbildung und sonstiger Unterricht Ausbildung in Fahrschulen Erteilung von Fahrstunden Ausbildung Spezialausbildung Berufsausbildung Sicherheitsausbildung Ausbildung in Gesundheitsschutz und erster Hilfe Tutorendienste Dokument Nr...: 387219-2024 (ID: 2024070101175579324) Veröffentlicht: 01.07.2024 * NOR-OSLO: Norwegen Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung Development and implementation of courses - Terrain vehicles 2024/S 126/2024 387219 Norwegen Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung Development and implementation of courses - Terrain vehicles OJ S 126/2024 01/07/2024 Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung Standardregelung - Änderungsbekanntmachung Dienstleistungen 1. Beschaffer 1.1. Beschaffer Offizielle Bezeichnung: Statnett SF E-Mail: Rechtsform des Erwerbers: Von einer zentralen Regierungsbehörde kontrolliertes öffentliches Unternehmen Tätigkeit des Auftraggebers: , Mit Strom zusammenhängende Tätigkeiten 2. Verfahren 2.1. Verfahren Titel: Development and implementation of courses - Terrain vehicles Beschreibung: Statnett shall, with this procurement, establish a joint storyboard/course plan /curriculum for courses in terrain vehicles, where avalanches are an integrated part of training for winter vehicles. ATV, UTV, avalanches and snowmobiles are the main focus. The course methodology shall be able to be expanded to other types of terrain vehicles (tracked vehicles, musk eggs etc.) when needed, so that a module based plan is probably advantageous. Statnett s instructions, laws and regulations, as well as the contractor s solid experience and competence, shall ensure a teaching methodology that Statnett can use as future orientated and secure training. Practical part of the snowmobile will preferably be held together with module avalanche. It is important that tenderers can attend to teaching on these types of modules with great professional weight and see the interaction between man, machine and nature. THE ATV on wheels is kept in summer and there are some equipment variants on THE ATV that must be documented separately (belts, ploughs/blades). Courses shall be held in accordance with the storyboard for winter 2025. In order to ensure that courses fulfil our need, we will facilitate improvement of content after some held courses. Courses shall be documented in accordance with the curriculum and sent to an internal course register. The course systems and lathes are owned by Statnett and Statnett is free to use it for all time. Statnett plans to hold courses in the 2024-2025 winter season in accordance with the new curriculum/storyboard. Employees are preferably courses every three years and the aim is to put the training in a system so that we can achieve this. The contract will be signed for one year with an option for 1+1+1 year. Further details on the Content and extent of the services are described in Annex 1 - Description of the services covered by the contract with sub- annexes 1A - 1G. Kennung des Verfahrens: b4736039-1bab-4d25-a723-be82231230ac Interne Kennung: BPM001142 Verfahrensart: Sonstiges zweistufiges Verfahren Zentrale Elemente des Verfahrens: The procurement will be made in accordance with the Act from 17 June 2016 no. 73 on public procurements (the Public Procurement Act) and regulation 12 August 2016 no. 975 on procurement rules in the supply sectors (the Supply Regulations FYF) parts I and II. The procurement will be carried out as a negotiated procedure after a prior notice, cf. fyf § 9-1 (1). This is a procurement procedure in two stages that begins with a qualification phase (phase 1). All interested tenderers have the option to submit a request for participation in the competition. Only tenderers who fulfil the qualification requirements will be invited to submit a tender (phase 2). The contracting authority will invite up to five tenderers to submit a tender. After the tender deadline, any dialogue/negotiations may occur in several phases. The contracting authority reserves the right to reduce the number of tender offers that shall be negotiated before and possibly during the dialogue/negotiations. The reduction will be based on the stated award criteria. Introduction of dialogue/negotiations with any shortlisted tenderers is not to be considered as rejection of other tender offers. The contracting authority reserves the right to negotiate with suppliers on all sides of the tender offer. The contracting authority reserves the right to fall back on the original tender if the dialogue/negotiations do not carry out. This also applies to tenders that have not been the subject of dialogue/negotiations. The contracting authority reserves the right to award the contract without negotiations. 2.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 80000000 Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung Zusätzliche Einstufung (cpv): 80400000 Erwachsenenbildung und sonstiger Unterricht, 80411000 Ausbildung in Fahrschulen, 80411200 Erteilung von Fahrstunden, 80500000 Ausbildung, 80510000 Spezialausbildung, 80530000 Berufsausbildung, 80550000 Sicherheitsausbildung, 80560000 Ausbildung in Gesundheitsschutz und erster Hilfe, 80590000 Tutorendienste 2.1.2. Erfüllungsort Land: Norwegen Ort im betreffenden Land 2.1.4. Allgemeine Informationen Rechtsgrundlage: Richtlinie 2014/25/EU 2.1.6. Ausschlussgründe Der Zahlungsunfähigkeit vergleichbare Lage gemäß nationaler Rechtsvorschriften: Is the supplier in a situation where he has been forced debt arrangement? Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers made mandatory in accordance with the current national law without the possibility for exceptions. Konkurs: Is the tenderer in a bankruptcy situation? Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers made mandatory in accordance with the current national law without the possibility for exceptions. Korruption: Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer s administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at the enforceable verdict been convicted of corruption by a verdict handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies?Corruption as defined in Article 3 of the convention on corruption, involving servicemen in the European Communities or in European Union member states (EUT C 195 of 25.6.1997, s. 1) and in Article 2, point 1, in the Council s framework decision 2003/568/RIA of 22 July 2003 on combating corruption in the private sector (EUT L 192 of 31.7.2003, p. 54). This rejection reason also includes corruption as defined in national law for the contracting authority or supplier. Vergleichsverfahren: Is the supplier in a situation where he has been forced debt arrangement? Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers made mandatory in accordance with the current national law without the possibility for exceptions. Beteiligung an einer kriminellen Vereinigung: Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer s administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at the legally enforceable verdict been convicted of participation in a criminal organisation by a verdict handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies? Participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 in article 2 of The Council s framework decision 2008/841/RIA of 24 October 2008 on combating organised crime (EUT L 300 of 11.11.2008, p. 42) Vereinbarungen mit anderen Wirtschaftsteilnehmern zur Verzerrung des Wettbewerbs: Has the tenderer entered into agreement(s) with other tenderers with the intention of turning the competition? Verstoß gegen umweltrechtliche Verpflichtungen: Is the tenderer aware of breaches of environmental provisions as stated in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents or Article 18 (2) of Directive 2014/24/EU. Geldwäsche oder Terrorismusfinanzierung: Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer s administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event of a legal verdict been convicted of money laundering or financing terrorism by a judgement handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies?Wedding money or financing terrorismAs a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies?White money or financing terrorism. defined in Article 1 of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/60/EF of 26 October 2005 on preventive measures against the use of the financial system for money laundering and financing terrorism (EUT L 309 of 25.11.2005, p. 15). Betrugsbekämpfung: Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer s administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at the legally enforceable verdict been convicted of fraud by a verdict handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies?Speed as discussed in Article 1 of the convention on protection of the European Communities financial interests (EFT C 316 of 27.11.1995, p. 48). Kinderarbeit und andere Formen des Menschenhandels: Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer s administration, management or supervisory body, or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at a legally enforceable verdict been convicted of child labour and other forms of human trafficking by a judgement handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies?Barnearbeid and other forms of human trafficking as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barneworks and other forms of human trafficking as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barneworks and other forms of human trafficking as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barnearbeid and other forms of human trafficking as defined as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barnearbeid and other forms of human trafficking as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barneworks and other forms of human trafficking as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barnearbeid as well as other forms of human trafficking as defined as defined in the judgement?