Ausschreibung: Luxemburg Technische Hilfe Ukraine and Moldova TA for Financial Inclusion Recovery (UMIR) - LUX-Luxembourg Technische Hilfe Dokument Nr...: 387203-2024 (ID: 2024070101174379295) Veröffentlicht: 01.07.2024 * LUX-Luxembourg: Luxemburg Technische Hilfe Ukraine and Moldova TA for Financial Inclusion Recovery (UMIR) 2024/S 126/2024 387203 Luxemburg Technische Hilfe Ukraine and Moldova TA for Financial Inclusion Recovery (UMIR) OJ S 126/2024 01/07/2024 Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung Standardregelung Dienstleistungen 1. Beschaffer 1.1. Beschaffer Offizielle Bezeichnung: European Investment Bank E-Mail: Rechtsform des Erwerbers: EU-Institution, -Einrichtung oder -Agentur Tätigkeit des öffentlichen Auftraggebers: Wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten 2. Verfahren 2.1. Verfahren Titel: Ukraine and Moldova TA for Financial Inclusion Recovery (UMIR) Beschreibung: On 29 March 2023, the EIB Board of Directors approved a Support Package for Ukraine, the EU for Ukraine Initiative (EU4U Initiative), to support priority recovery and resilience investments as well as the EU accession process (short-term to medium-term) in Ukraine. This Support Package includes an envelope EU4U Advisory Programme that can finance the provision of technical assistance and advisory services for immediate needs as well as reconstruction efforts and accession support in Ukraine and Moldova from which, EUR 10 million has been secured for the UMIR assignment. The overall objective of this Technical Assistance (TA) assignment is to promote responsible financial inclusion in Ukraine and Moldova. In Ukraine, the objective further includes contributing to the resilience and strengthening of the inclusive finance sector both during conflict and post-war setting. To achieve its objectives, the assignment will focus on building the capacity of the selected Financial Institutions (FIs) to offer responsible and inclusive financial and non-financial services while adhering to best banking practices and addressing transversal EU policy objectives with regards to climate action, environmental sustainability, financial and social inclusion, and social standards. In parallel, the assignment aims to support entrepreneurship in the two countries by providing capacity building, vocational education and coaching to final beneficiaries, so as to increase income generating opportunities, enhance resilience to economic shocks, create jobs, help veterans to re-join the workforce and tackle unemployment. The TA assignment aims to improve the range and quality of financial and non- financial services on offer to the Final Beneficiaries/clients, particularly those from more vulnerable groups (including war afflicted areas/regions/sectors/businesses, internally displaced people (IDPs), veterans, start-ups, women and/or youth in business, etc.) that are currently unserved or underserved. The assignment activities will be rolled out via 5 components: i) TA needs assessments and sector studies. This component will allow the service provider to conduct TA needs assessments of all beneficiaries as and when they join the assignment. It will also include wider market or segmentation studies, country research etc., that may be required either by a beneficiary or by the EIB. ii) Customised capacity building activities for Financial Intermediaries. Under this component, adapted and customised TA actions will be designed for each FI based on the results of the TA needs assessment and the weaknesses identified. Support can include but not be limited to the provision of staff /board trainings, (on the job) coaching, support in revising and updating policies, procedures etc. and may touch on a variety of topics. iii) Ensure assignment beneficiary compliance with EIB processes and requirements as well as international standards. iv) Capacity building and advisory services to support development and growth of MSMEs. Under this component, the assignment will provide MSMEs with access to a variety of support services (including training and coaching) to help them improve their financial literacy, business and entrepreneurship skills as well as prepare and develop bankable projects and investment proposals. v) Support an enabling inclusive finance environment for inclusive growth and job creation. This component will allow the TA assignment to work and support (in a limited capacity) the wider inclusive finance eco-system in both countries of operation so as to promote a responsible and inclusive financial sector. Kennung des Verfahrens: a32fd94c-bdba-407e-8445-3cdc779fdab1 Interne Kennung: AA-012140-001 Verfahrensart: Nichtoffenes Verfahren 2.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 71356200 Technische Hilfe 2.1.3. Wert Geschätzter Wert ohne MwSt.: 10 000 000,00 EUR 2.1.4. Allgemeine Informationen Dieses annullierte oder ergebnislos gebliebene Verfahren oder Los wird neu aufgelegt Rechtsgrundlage: Richtlinie 2014/24/EU 2.1.6. Ausschlussgründe Konkurs: Exclusion criteria as stated in the procurement documents 5. Los 5.1. Los: LOT-0001 Titel: UKRAINE AND MOLDOVA TA FOR FINANCIAL INCLUSION AND RECOVERY (UMIR) Beschreibung: On 29 March 2023, the EIB Board of Directors approved a Support Package for Ukraine, the EU for Ukraine Initiative (EU4U Initiative), to support priority recovery and resilience investments as well as the EU accession process (short-term to medium-term) in Ukraine. This Support Package includes an envelope EU4U Advisory Programme that can finance the provision of technical assistance and advisory services for immediate needs as well as reconstruction efforts and accession support in Ukraine and Moldova from which, EUR 10 million has been secured for the UMIR assignment. The overall objective of this Technical Assistance (TA) assignment is to promote responsible financial inclusion in Ukraine and Moldova. In Ukraine, the objective further includes contributing to the resilience and strengthening of the inclusive finance sector both during conflict and post-war setting. To achieve its objectives, the assignment will focus on building the capacity of the selected Financial Institutions (FIs) to offer responsible and inclusive financial and non-financial services while adhering to best banking practices and addressing transversal EU policy objectives with regards to climate action, environmental sustainability, financial and social inclusion, and social standards. In parallel, the assignment aims to support entrepreneurship in the two countries by providing capacity building, vocational education and coaching to final beneficiaries, so as to increase income generating opportunities, enhance resilience to economic shocks, create jobs, help veterans to re-join the workforce and tackle unemployment. The TA assignment aims to improve the range and quality of financial and non- financial services on offer to the Final Beneficiaries/clients, particularly those from more vulnerable groups (including war afflicted areas/regions/sectors/businesses, internally displaced people (IDPs), veterans, start-ups, women and/or youth in business, etc.) that are currently unserved or underserved. The assignment activities will be rolled out via 5 components: i) TA needs assessments and sector studies. This component will allow the service provider to conduct TA needs assessments of all beneficiaries as and when they join the assignment. It will also include wider market or segmentation studies, country research etc., that may be required either by a beneficiary or by the EIB. ii) Customised capacity building activities for Financial Intermediaries. Under this component, adapted and customised TA actions will be designed for each FI based on the results of the TA needs assessment and the weaknesses identified. Support can include but not be limited to the provision of staff /board trainings, (on the job) coaching, support in revising and updating policies, procedures etc. and may touch on a variety of topics. iii) Ensure assignment beneficiary compliance with EIB processes and requirements as well as international standards. iv) Capacity building and advisory services to support development and growth of MSMEs. Under this component, the assignment will provide MSMEs with access to a variety of support services (including training and coaching) to help them improve their financial literacy, business and entrepreneurship skills as well as prepare and develop bankable projects and investment proposals. v) Support an enabling inclusive finance environment for inclusive growth and job creation. This component will allow the TA assignment to work and support (in a limited capacity) the wider inclusive finance eco-system in both countries of operation so as to promote a responsible and inclusive financial sector. Interne Kennung: AA-012140-001 5.1.1. Zweck Art des Auftrags: Dienstleistungen Haupteinstufung (cpv): 71356200 Technische Hilfe Optionen: Beschreibung der Optionen: The Contracting Authority (the EIB) may, at its own discretion and subject to the availability of funding, extend the scope and duration of the project to cover additional or complementary services. The maximum value of such additional services is 100% and the related possible time extension is maximum 100% of initial duration. 5.1.3. Geschätzte Dauer Laufzeit: 60 Monate 5.1.5. Wert Geschätzter Wert ohne MwSt.: 10 000 000,00 EUR 5.1.6. Allgemeine Informationen Vorbehaltene Teilnahme: Teilnahme ist nicht vorbehalten. Auftragsvergabeprojekt ganz oder teilweise aus EU-Mitteln finanziert Die Beschaffung fällt unter das Übereinkommen über das öffentliche Beschaffungswesen: nein 5.1.9. Eignungskriterien Kriterium: Art: Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit Bezeichnung: See tendering documents for details on the selection criteria. Anhand der Kriterien werden die Bewerber ausgewählt, die zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens eingeladen werden sollen Kriterium: Art: Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit Bezeichnung: See tendering documents for details on the selection criteria. Anhand der Kriterien werden die Bewerber ausgewählt, die zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens eingeladen werden sollen Informationen über die zweite Phase eines zweiphasigen Verfahrens: Mindestzahl der zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens einzuladenden Bewerber: 5 Höchstzahl der zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens einzuladenden Bewerber: 6 Das Verfahren wird in mehreren aufeinanderfolgenden Phasen durchgeführt. In jeder Phase können einige Teilnehmer ausgeschlossen werden 5.1.10. Zuschlagskriterien Kriterium: Art: Preis Beschreibung: See tendering documents for details on the award criteria. Kriterium: Art: Qualität Beschreibung: See tendering documents for details on the award criteria. 5.1.11. Auftragsunterlagen Frist für die Anforderung zusätzlicher Informationen: 02/08/2024 12:00:00 (UTC) Internetadresse der Auftragsunterlagen: technical-assistance/all/aa-012140001 5.1.12. Bedingungen für die Auftragsvergabe Bedingungen für die Einreichung: Elektronische Einreichung: Erforderlich Adresse für die Einreichung: Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Englisch Elektronischer Katalog: Nicht zulässig Frist für den Eingang der Angebote: 02/09/2024 12:00:00 (UTC) Auftragsbedingungen: Die Auftragsausführung muss im Rahmen von Programmen für geschützte Beschäftigungsverhältnisse erfolgen: Nein Elektronische Rechnungsstellung: Zulässig Aufträge werden elektronisch erteilt: nein Zahlungen werden elektronisch geleistet: ja 5.1.15. Techniken Rahmenvereinbarung: Keine Rahmenvereinbarung Informationen über das dynamische Beschaffungssystem: Kein dynamisches Beschaffungssystem 5.1.16. Weitere Informationen, Schlichtung und Nachprüfung Schlichtungsstelle: Court of Justice of the European Union Überprüfungsstelle: Court of Justice of the European Union Organisation, die zusätzliche Informationen über das Vergabeverfahren bereitstellt: European Investment Bank Organisation, die einen Offline-Zugang zu den Vergabeunterlagen bereitstellt: European Investment Bank Organisation, die weitere Informationen für die Nachprüfungsverfahren bereitstellt: Court of Justice of the European Union Organisation, die Teilnahmeanträge entgegennimmt: European Investment Bank Organisation, die Angebote bearbeitet: European Investment Bank 8. Organisationen 8.1. ORG-0001 Offizielle Bezeichnung: European Investment Bank Registrierungsnummer: EIB Abteilung: GLO/CFGA/ADV/CPCM Postanschrift: 98-100 boulevard Konrad Adenauer Stadt: Luxembourg Postleitzahl: L-2950 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Luxembourg (LU000) Land: Luxemburg Kontaktperson: EIB Global Advisory Services Division, Consultant Procurement and Contract Management Unit (CPCM) E-Mail: Telefon: +352 4379 1 Internetadresse: Endpunkt für den Informationsaustausch (URL): Profil des Erwerbers: Rollen dieser Organisation: Beschaffer Organisation, die zusätzliche Informationen über das Vergabeverfahren bereitstellt Organisation, die einen Offline-Zugang zu den Vergabeunterlagen bereitstellt Organisation, die Teilnahmeanträge entgegennimmt Organisation, die Angebote bearbeitet 8.1. ORG-0002 Offizielle Bezeichnung: Court of Justice of the European Union Registrierungsnummer: CURIA Postanschrift: rue du Fort Niedergrünewald Stadt: Luxembourg Postleitzahl: L-2950 Land, Gliederung (NUTS): Luxembourg (LU000) Land: Luxemburg E-Mail: Telefon: +352 4303-1 Internetadresse: Rollen dieser Organisation: Überprüfungsstelle Organisation, die weitere Informationen für die Nachprüfungsverfahren bereitstellt Schlichtungsstelle 11. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung 11.1. Informationen zur Bekanntmachung Kennung/Fassung der Bekanntmachung: 8a7fd49f-65a1-496e-8177-9899d52e83cb - 01 Formulartyp: Wettbewerb Art der Bekanntmachung: Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung Standardregelung Unterart der Bekanntmachung: 16 Datum der Übermittlung der Bekanntmachung: 28/06/2024 09:52:48 (UTC) Sprachen, in denen diese Bekanntmachung offiziell verfügbar ist: Englisch 11.2. Informationen zur Veröffentlichung ABl. S Nummer der Ausgabe: 126/2024 Datum der Veröffentlichung: 01/07/2024 Referenzen: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Operation & Alert Service (icc-hofmann) for: The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities The Federal Office of Foreign Trade Information Phone: +49 6082-910101, Fax: +49 6082-910200, URL: